Ok as you can see the site is under construction. This page is a throwback to a blog I started for a while before and will change in the near future. The style sheet is coming along nicely, but still needs some work. Colour scheme is under way, once I define a few more styles and then can get to work on the rest of the site. Web skills seem to be flooding back, it’s been a while since I really used them and I’ve already started adding to them so that’s the site already serving it’s prupose.
I’ve been working on these few pages since the weekend, but over the past couple of days, staying up till 1 or 2 am with news on in the background has been the norm. As horrific as the images are, it’s impossible to turn away from something that’s just wrong. The images of those jets will be with alot of people for the rest of their lives. I’ve been using Ananova for all my news, they seem to be pretty good and managed to stay online during the events. The net really failed this time, while it was a huge source of information, most people even in the heart of internet companies moved to television simply because there was no bandwidth for video. Fair play to Google who realsied this and cached some of the major news pages including CNN. I have to say I thought it was a joke and a bad one when I first heard (shortly after the first crash) but when I could not get any of the major news sites (CNN and BBC for example)….well that said it all. Trust old AOL Keyword :News gave me the first details and for the next few hours work was forgotten and I watched alongside the world in horror.