One has to wonder what happend on the flight that came down in Pennsylvania. It certainly sounds like pilots / passengers took action against the hijackers and that was the cause of the crash. What can you say to honour that?

Read today on one of the wire services, Ananova that a US pilots unions is advising it’s members to in the case of suicidal hijackers take action, even advising “”Aircraft cockpits are equipped with a crash axe, which should be considered a potential defensive weapon in the event of a suicidal hijacking”. It makes sense. Oz has placed armed marshalls on flights, also makes sense.

I note that contestents on various “Big Brother” are not being told of events. I don’t know about this, I don’t see how the show can keep going and keep however many people it is in such ignorance. Can you imagine coming back into the real world in a few weeks and not knowing? At the same time, they can hardly tell them and then leave them in there with no info?

The people in US Big Brother have been told, but only the basic details and are being left thinking there is a “couple of hundred bodies” but begining to realise there have been no planes flying overboard. That’s just inhumane