“Pulp Fiction” what a wonderful movie. I’ve not seen it in a long time, sounds like a good plan for tonight. We got the Mercury music prize on in a bit, will have to catch Radiohead’s performance on it. Dark City is on just after Pulp Fiction, always meant to see it so I expect to end up watching that for tonight.

PHP comments seem to be working fine 🙂 Just added partial items from the style sheet to the comments page, not perfect but I’m kinda restricted as to what I can change in there

Ok, just changed to PHP and added the comments, tis 4am I need sleep, if it’s bust it’s bust 🙂

One has to wonder what happend on the flight that came down in Pennsylvania. It certainly sounds like pilots / passengers took action against the hijackers and that was the cause of the crash. What can you say to honour that?

Read today on one of the wire services, Ananova that a US pilots unions is advising it’s members to in the case of suicidal hijackers take action, even advising “”Aircraft cockpits are equipped with a crash axe, which should be considered a potential defensive weapon in the event of a suicidal hijacking”. It makes sense. Oz has placed armed marshalls on flights, also makes sense.

I note that contestents on various “Big Brother” are not being told of events. I don’t know about this, I don’t see how the show can keep going and keep however many people it is in such ignorance. Can you imagine coming back into the real world in a few weeks and not knowing? At the same time, they can hardly tell them and then leave them in there with no info?

The people in US Big Brother have been told, but only the basic details and are being left thinking there is a “couple of hundred bodies” but begining to realise there have been no planes flying overboard. That’s just inhumane

You ever have one of those things that just pisses you off big time, makes you hate the world, or think the world hates you? Just something that should’nt really but does. Fuck it, sometimes life sucks.

Yeah yeah I know, I know that was made abundantly clear this week but personal things can do it too. Yeah I know, I know, I’m gonna stop now.

Ok all is working fine for the time being. I’m going to add another blogged iframe below the current area for some links of note. Not sure what to do with the rest, might dump it, might change it to another blogger powered page of some shape or form. Hope to sort out the archives for current. I use to keep note of what I read and when, nice to get something like that going again for a bit. Think I’ll go for comments aswell, for the simple fact I have to do some PHP.

Right, alot happier with this right now, the iframe is working fine and actually looks pretty good (imo anyway). The current book is another blogger powered webpage in a frame. Not so sure how resizing will work on it….also tomorrow I have to put the blogger button on

Ireland’s a neutral country. Given the atrocities seen this week, I for one would not have a problem with this being set aside and Ireland taking a role in the hunting down and punishing of these monsters.
News headlines still going in the background here, I really have been wondering since Tuesday for how long Afghanistan will exist for. With apperent increasing evidence against bin Laden, the Taliban will really have no choice but to hand him over. The question then becomes will the US, and indeed the world accept that punishing one man is enough?

Ok as you can see the site is under construction. This page is a throwback to a blog I started for a while before and will change in the near future. The style sheet is coming along nicely, but still needs some work. Colour scheme is under way, once I define a few more styles and then can get to work on the rest of the site. Web skills seem to be flooding back, it’s been a while since I really used them and I’ve already started adding to them so that’s the site already serving it’s prupose.
I’ve been working on these few pages since the weekend, but over the past couple of days, staying up till 1 or 2 am with news on in the background has been the norm. As horrific as the images are, it’s impossible to turn away from something that’s just wrong. The images of those jets will be with alot of people for the rest of their lives. I’ve been using Ananova for all my news, they seem to be pretty good and managed to stay online during the events. The net really failed this time, while it was a huge source of information, most people even in the heart of internet companies moved to television simply because there was no bandwidth for video. Fair play to Google who realsied this and cached some of the major news pages including CNN. I have to say I thought it was a joke and a bad one when I first heard (shortly after the first crash) but when I could not get any of the major news sites (CNN and BBC for example)….well that said it all. Trust old AOL Keyword :News gave me the first details and for the next few hours work was forgotten and I watched alongside the world in horror.