How to bands like Steps and Back Street Boys around a mere few years get to release “Greatest Hits” collections? Surely there should be a law against it 🙁

I’ve just finished the latest Anita Blake novel by Laurell K. Hamilton and I have to say I did not enjoy it. I was hooked on the Anita series last year by a friend and I got and enjoyed the first 6 books or so. I got a couple of friends hooked on them aswell. It’s a fantasy series with loosely the same story as BTVS, but nothing like it. I did’nt like the 7th and 8th book in the series, instead of sex being used at all in the story, it became a much larger and unnecessary part of the story. I picked up the 9th book for a flight form DC to London late last year and I really enjoyed it. Back to the basics of the character and without the annoying large support cast. A really good read, I was hoping the books were back on track….boy was I wrong. My other half picked up the newly published 10th book over the weekend and once she was done, I started it. Now more than 50% (closer to 75%) of the entire book is sex and it’s just not needed. Sure for this story line there needs to be something in there. I don’t have a problem with anything like that, but you know it’s not what I want from this author / character….

not sure exactly how I want to say this or what I want to say, but I want my series back, not the porn that currently passes for it 🙁

aha, the internet spells grey with an a……thoughts style sheet and links now sorted 🙂

“The IRA is committed to our Republican objectives and to the establishment of a united Ireland based on justice, equality and freedom”

can’t argue with that…

CNN already carries advertising for the “All-New AOL 7.0”, this is the US version, our own UK version should follow shortly.

The lRA has just announced that it has begun to decommision it’s weapons:

“The political process is now on the point of collapse. Such a collapse would certainly, and eventually, put the overall peace process in jeopardy. There is a responsibility upon everyone seriously committed to a just peace to do our best to avoid this. Therefore, in order to save the peace process, we have implemented the scheme agreed with the IICD in August. Our motivation is clear. This unprecedented move is to save the peace process and to persuade others of our genuine intentions”.

P. O’Neill

from The Irish Times @

stressed 🙁

but I have now got a firm date for my interview so that is a good thing. Had a pretty good meeting earlier, kinda fitted in with a train of recent thoughts on professionalism etc. Hopefully it was not just me tho 😉

still playing around with the template for this, it’s getting better, but as you can obviously see, I have no design skills

About to watch “City of Angels“. memorable for two things, spectacular imagery notably hundreds of angels in black on a beach at sunrise, and the excellent and one of my all time favourite tunes “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls.Termed as a “romantic drama” there is quite a fantasy element here and it works quite well as a movie

“And I don’t want the world to see me / Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
When everything’s made to be broken / I just want you to know who I am”