Hmm seem to have lost a posting. Radiohead: best band in the world? Nope, second only to U2. Recent albums are so lovingly crafted they have to be worshiped

So I noticed something I was missing earlier today, I want to redo the entire right hand side because lets face it, it sucks.

Music needs to be mentioned. Radiohead are possibly the best band in the world, the only real competition is U2. I’ve been a fan of Radiohead for a long time, I really like their early stuff the guitar heavy “Pablo Honey” era but I am also a big fan of their current stuff. “Kid A” and “Amnesiac” are so loveingly crafted, they just have to be admired and loved.

hmm rambling

Alias, new show this season, just seen the pilot episode. Worth a look to those of you who can 🙂

To turn to the news these days and the ongoing “war”. A line of thought, that may not be fully formed but I am going to go with it anyway.
The events of the 11th of last month were a tragedy yes that is a 100% given, however should a similar event now occur or another large scale attack on mainland USA or the UK, it’s not going to be quite the same thing. They are at war. (note the full stop if you please) That kinda changes the rules, such an attack now would not be a terrorist attack it would be part of war simple as that…

So bearing that in mind, how many Afghans who did not condone the attacks in NYC and DC and who possibly argued against them before they took place are now seeing their country under bombardment from much more powerful nations with no realistic way of fighting back.

That could change the “battlefield” for some mindsets….

On another note, Buffy is on top form as ever coming second only to “The West Wing” for quality writing.
Swipe for spoiler thought from Season 6 Episode 3 :Willow is SO going to be the ‘Big Bad’

Miles over this side……adultery, I don’t know why….scrap that I do know why. Lets go withe a hypo here.

Lets say you know one of your family members is cheating on their spouse and that this is a long term thing, they have been cheating since before the spouse became the spouse….

Right armed with this knowledge what do you do?

a) nothing
b) something*

For those of you who selected b) something, what do you do? Thoughts below please

My network connection really sucks this morning. It’s causing major hassle with my downloads:(