Read and really enjoyed “Fire” by Brien Michael Bendis, one of his older works. Picked up Doom for the GBA, not wonderful, I might return it. Network went down in work today, spent a few hours playing Half Life, that was fun 🙂

Strange things are afoot, heard about a pretty major change that happened yesterday and while I might say I can’t be surprised by things anymore, I found out I was wrong. I don’t get it……I know shocker that eh?

I got one of my Amazon orders this morning, Green Day’s best of “International Superhits”. couple of new songs on it, but it has all their good stuff. Quite enjoying it, always liked their stuff, and “Time of your Life” is a wonderful song 🙂

Saw “Spy Games” last night, I really enjoyed it, it was better than i thought it would be and I would actually recomend it as a movie. just booked a long weekend in Dublin for myself, with Ryanair being dirt cheap and a long weekend in France for my partner and I 🙂

I’ve been bad, I went and got a new *toy*, £120 was not bad tho for a Game Boy Advanced (GBA) with Super Mario Kart and Batman: Vengence. Really enjoying it so far, and should help with the trips to Bristol. The backlight however is really missed. Still 15 hours for 2 normal batteries is not bad at all 🙂

I first listened to Radiohead when they released “OK Computer” in 1997. I had heard their stuff before, and I had liked “Creep”. They had released a single called “Paranoid Android” and well it didn’t really do much for me. So when my Dad came home with OK Computer and Supergrass’s “In it for the Money”. Having heard some of Supergrasses stuff before I choose to keep that, and my sister got “OK Computer”. Don’t get me wrong, “In it for the Money” is a good album I am quite fond of “Richard III” but that was a wrong decision. “OK Computer” is regarded as the best album from that year and one of the best ever. So after I while I borrowed it from my sister. I don’t think I ever gave it back.

Ya know somethings you can think things will just work out, it’s alot rarer when you actually believe they might work out. I guess I’m believeing at the moment. It’s a nice feeling, hopefully it will keep that way for a while 🙂

oh of course “I might be Wrong: Live Recordings” by Radiohead, I don’t need to tell you that this is a fantastic album and you should go out and buy it now. You should already know this and have bought it…

Picked up alot of TPB’s over the weekend, I’m really enjoying “The Authority” by Warren Ells but also have some classic X-Men to get to.. I really need to update the stuff under the current items, it’s all way out of date…still will get to it eventually I guess.

some minor changes to the layout, just swopped the tables basically, going to change the entire left hand side soon enough