Level 11 is now driving me mad….and no I have not been playing all this time, I’m working too

Had a night out with some people from work last night. I don’t know why but I was really enjoying myself, more than any night out recently, but then that all changed and it went downhill. Why? I have no idea 🙁

Anyways new credit card arrived, will have to err test it on Amazon or something later to make sure it works 🙂

BMB on Daredevil 32
“It’s toward the end of the storyline that me and Alex Maleev are working on right now, and I promise you that you will see something you have never seen in a Marvel comic,” Bendis says.

“Just like ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #13, you’re not going to see any solicitation information. We’re just going to let it happen, and just trust me. It took me two months of my life to convince (Marvel editor-in-chief) Joe Quesada to approve this. It’s that weird for a Marvel Comic.

“But I’m very happy to have this happen and it’s irreversible.”

One has to wonder how the world will change if Israel suceeds in killing Arafat in it’s on war on terror.

On other fronts in a nice break from the mundane, a large yellow truck just pulled up outside the record company next to us and 2 young lads and a hefty sound system started pumping out some tunes. Twas a nice diversion going down for a quick look, but enough is quite enough

Sig line on a newsgroup I visit.

Remember: It isn’t an office. It’s Hell with fluorescent lighting.