Update on the comments system, I’ve just noticed that it uses a cookie that does not have a privacy policy enabled and my site is showing with a warning….hmmmm

Do you want the internet on your fridge?

The benefits of IMAP the best-kept secret in electronic messaging????
Nice tag on the bottom of the site tho, “teach a man to use the internet and he will leave you alone” (via Ev)

Ship of Dreams has some really top LotR wallpapers đŸ™‚

MoD established secret UFO investigation group

t noun
[in SING.] the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time: the story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s. —ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from German Zeitgeist, from Zeit ‘time’ + Geist ‘spirit’.

Google: Time line (via /.) || Time: Year in Pictures (via TDO)