I’ve been listening to Capital FM a bit recently and almost every single ad break there is an ad where it starts off with a young girl or boy talking about something a young kid would talk about, then it’s cut into an obviously older man continuing the sentence and then it cuts back and so on for a few seconds. Then your warned to never give out your details to anyone on the internet because you never know who you are talking to. I don’t know of anything recently that brought this on, unless I am way out of the loop, there has not been any major internet related incident that would spark off such a big campaign. I assume there is some government backing for this, but I can’t imagine it all being privately funded. It’s not a bad campaign actually, it is getting a little too much airplay, but it’s not a bad set of ads.

c|net claims the AOL / Red Hot talks just ain’t happening. ugh and AOL has fallen under the $30 mark closing today at $29.58