Back from France after some hideous (plane being late) delays and a coach ride as hot (heating bust) as hell yesterday. Funny story involved in that, although it’s not really all that funny. Sitting on the plane waiting to take off from Dinard Airport (shithole), and as we begin to move out onto the runway a women in the row opposite gets up and goes down the back of the plane, 30 seconds later she comes back with a stewardess. The man she is travelling with has a problem. He does not feel ill, but has a bad feeling and can’t fly today. Fair enough, the stewardess talk to him and he agrees to go. She does offer him the option of getting off the plane. The third girl in the row is looking quite nervous at this stage, in fact she comments during the rucus that she hates and is scared to fly in general. herself. About two minutes later we are on the runway and the pilot revs up the engines. The bloke dings the bell above and when a stewardess arrives he says he wants off, he can’t fly he has a really bad feeling we won’t make it. It does not help that the flight is expected to be turbulent due to storms. At this stage it’s too late for him to get off. I don’t know what happened after that but he is brought to see the captain and then appears to fly upfront with the crew. So that was not all that bad, wanker is about the only phrase that springs to mind. Fair enough he does not want to fly and has a bad feeling, but when offered the chance to get off he does not take it.
The poor girl who has been sitting next to him is obviously terrified and has lost all colour. It didn’t bother me all that much or my traveling companion, I’m not nervous about flying and this was little more than opportunity for flippant jokes (we can all point and laugh when we get there….as long as he’s not the one pointing and laughing), but this wanker has scared the already nervous girl next to him to the point of shaking.

Anyways the long weekend was good, St.Malo, Mont St. Michel and the carnival at Dinard being the highlights. The B&B was great, taxis and drink were expensive, the Euro was cool, food was generally good. We stayed pretty much within budget. Brought back some goodies, carambars have been flying around the office this morning. Today’s been catching up on alot of work e-mail’s, reading some weblogs, having a quick look at Blogger Pro and a quick comic shopping lunch mixed with a visit to the bank.

NASA have a lovely map of world lights which is quite large, but worth seeing 🙂

The Rock Star Game that Iain broke is still broken 🙁