I had lunch with Iain and C, one of the girls from work yesterday. It was good, they are two of my favourite people from the office so it could hardly be otherwise. We ended up in a little cafe about 15 min from the office having some sandwiches. On the way back to the office Iain suddenly disappeared as we passed Argos and C pointed he had noticed an electronic Sully in the window. Yet another example of his easy amusement;)
Month: February 2002
Given one of the more popular topics on the blog scene at the mo, I’m not going to post the post I had planned on posting. I am going to give you a definition in the same way you use to get related words of the day. I really really hope I’m not the only person that finds this really hard at times. I know people who are not, but I don’t know if they realise that they are not and need to be or if like me it’s just impossible sometimes.
t noun [MASS NOUN] the competence or skill expected of a professional: the key to quality and efficiency is professionalism.
n the practising of an activity, especially a sport, by professional rather than amateur players: the trend towards professionalism.
A few days ago ago I mentioned that I had picked up some “Barry Ween” by Judd Winck, well last night I picked up the third book in the series. And seen as I had quite enjoyed his writing and art style so I also picked up “Pedro and me“. I read it last night just before going to bed and it was one of the best written books I’ve and read. Anyways it is yet another prime example of a wonderful book that simply happens to be told in a graphic format.
This is the post of a blogger who was fired over her weblog. Should I be worried? I talk about work every now and then, I don’t mention names or get into specifics in anyway, but nevertheles….
One of the more simple ways to tell the ignorant on the internet. The first line of the email in purple is “I am exploring the possibilies of colour”
If’ your gonna use e-mail and more importantly if your gonna e-mail me then fuck right off with your colours. E-mail should be plain text and nothing else. I don’t want to read your e-mail in the colours of the rainbow, nice simple black and white will do thank you very fucking much
and yes I know I need more sleep
Just been to see “Monsters Inc.” with a friend from work. It was really really good. Go see it if you have not already.
I so slept in today, it was not good at all. And I spent alot of the day out of it. One pretty major step forward in work tho and has got me an interesting project for the rest of the week and then some maybe. But I was out of it alot. I was reading a thread in the WEF and there was some talk about Brien Michael Bendis‘s sytle in “Alias.” Now as long time readers will know BMB is one of my favourite authors and that I really like his new stuff in “Alias”. It took me about 4 hours to remember that in fact no, it was nothing to do with the new tv show called “Alias” but in fact was about BMB’s comic “Alias”.
And in other really great comic news, I found out today that Greg Rucka will be at ComicCon 2002. 🙂 🙂
In other news, I think I want to leave work early tomorrow to go see a movie. Which ya know is not usually a problem, but is at the moment a joke as I’m having trouble even getting to work 🙁
“The oft-used excuse for this butchering of the English language, that it’s a matter of expediency, seems pretty asinine to me.”
I Will Make You My Grammar Bitch (via not.so.soft)
It requires flash but the Enron Voicemail is very funny and worth a listen to. And yes I know this is old yes but I just got to it :).
Sitting at my desk, really late in today again due to not sleeping and not feeling all that up to much. The solution, well Winamp is now playing Radiohead’s “I Might Be Wrong” from the live album of the same name. The intro just works so well as a sound of relief. I have no idea how to explain that.
You know when you hear a tune, or the start of a tune and it just makes you feel good for that one moment? It’s like that. It just hits something which can just be refered to as genius and the music comes together and works. Anyways it helps 🙂
Right, lots of things to talk about.
First off I’m pissed off, I get home to fine some info that I really didn’t want to get around to certain people posted on mailing list I have with some friends. fuck 🙁
Second off. I have a problem, well I don’t really have a problem, but I have a situation and I have no fucking idea at all how to deal with it. And even worse I have no idea who to really talk to about it. I suspect I will have a conversation with someone about it in the morning and that could be interesting but yet again fuck.
Third off, a friend from work in Dublin moved to London sometime after I did and well when he moved I was not having a good time, I hated my job and I hated London. It’s only within the past few months that I’ve really settled down in London and actaully felt like I fitted in somewhere. Anyways as a result of this I wasn’t much use when he moved over, in fact I was pretty damn useless and wasn;t really there at all. That’s not going to happen again.
Fourth off, I really really don’t like some people when they drink.
Fifth off, one of the girls I work with has joined the same film club I did at the weekend, and not only that she is going to see some of the same movies that I’m gonna see at the same time over the next couple of weeks. So that’s really cool 🙂
Sixth off, I am pretty sure I just agreed to a weekend in Amsterdam with a group of guys from work in about 5 weeks time. Could be really good, could be really bad.
Seventh off, none of the above are suitable topics for discussion. You know who you are. Sorry but that’s all I want to say on them.
Why oh why am I getting errors on this page? I’ll look into it later tonight, or maybe in the morning. blah