Comis on the Web.

Major major kudos to CrossGen comics for a pretty spectacular web initiative. On Friday they revealed Comics On The Web site with their entire range of comics available to read. What’s the catch? Well, it’s gonna cost you. That’s a shock to you I’m sure. The price however is the shock. It’s a whole $1 a month. Yes, you did read that right. For one dollar a month. There are no ads in the comics, there are popups when requested with character bios, stories so far and other *usefull* items. The subscription options are simple enough you can pay $8 for 8 months or $75 for a lifetime subscription. These prices are set and are not going to change.

CrossGen are relatively new, they have been around for about 3 years and I will admit I have not read much of their stuff. I read the first “Sigil” TPB a while ago and I will pick up the next one, I have just not gotten around to picking up the rest. There is a two month free trial of the entire site going on so I think I am gonna go have a look at what they have available and maybe pick myself up some new comics 🙂