Another thing I hate, being treated differently because of my age. It’s not normally an issue, but I am a lot younger than I am usually taken for. Tonight it was an issue though, the phrase “your too young to understand” was used and I really hate that. It’s just not needed.

Headed out earlier in the day to meet up with some folks from work for a St. Paddy’s Day day out and it was good. We met up, had a quick Pizza Hut then ended up spending the rest of the days in BRB’s in Chinatown. All in all it was quite good, although better for some who left with phone numbers 😉

In other news is something easier or less difficult to comes to terms with once you actually tell someone? I’ve heard many a times that it is, but I am not so sure.

I did get home to find my flatmate home a day earlier than I expected which is always good I guess. Good thing I had finished most of the cleaning and tidying before going out.

Warren Ellis thing is on Thursday night and Chris Claremont is doing a signing on Saturday. Damn that’s gonna cost me a pretty penny.


I will be in work on time in the morning.