My head hurts. This makes little or no sense to me and the world should just go away and leave me alone.
Month: April 2002
“One thing is for certain, there is no stopping them; they will soon be here! And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. “
Shamelessly stolen from here
Some things are good, some things are bad. Most things simply are.
In world news….
Wesley Crusher rocks, not just Wil, Wesley too… I mean anyone who gets Ashley Judd has to right?
Star Trek: Nemesis: Ashley Judd confirmed on the Letterman show the other night she’ll cameo in the film – reprising her Ensign Robin Lefler character whose now Wesley Crusher’s wife.
I offer this news story without comment: socks it to classic girls’ uniform.
Hello Operator, give me the number for 911! and other classics from the Homer Simpson Soundboard.
The Rebublic of Ireland has won the World Cup.*
*well not really, but the Dreams ad from Carlsberg is excellent
You know I can’t even begin to imagine the party that this would entail. The very thought just blows my mind. I will say for thing for sure, if this ever were to happen fuck work, I’m on holidays at home in the pub watching this.
I am an idiot. This is not news. The problem I was having with a work project that I mentioned a while ago…well it was two things and both of them were small and silly. Now that I am aware of them it shouldn’t be too hard to take them into account and get this fucking thing out of the way once and for all.
My flatemates gone away until Friday and has been away most of the weekend. This is a good thing. Not because of anything to do with her, but because it gives me almost a week alone in the flat. With various things having gone on over the past few weeks or even months, its really nice to have time alone. The past few weekends with no plans and nothing going on have been a nice break from timetabled fixed events which have gone on so much over the past while. Having nothing that must be done (short of watching West Wing of course) at all is a nice feeling. A quote from a Meatloaf song springs to mind:
If I could find the words I would write it all down / If I could only find a voice I would speak.
The last two (1,2) posts on Planet Jen are interesting. I haven’t just gone to and clicked on a random blog just to have a look. Must do it more often.
Josh: “Come quick, Sam is getting his ass kicked by a girl.”
Toby: “Would you get the popcorn”
I was still laughing when the main credits had finished. I love this show.
I guess that all changed by the end of the show, I haven’t laughed as much at a tv show in a while and then they turn around and change track so much and manage to do it so well.
“here in America, patriotism does not mean keeping quiet,” Al Gore beginning a comeback and preparing to run again in 2004?
NY Times.