OK so I was already a comic book fan, but after a second viewing I want to read Spider-Man stuff…good thing I got some earlier today.
Some more thoughts on the movie.Toby Maguire was an excellent Peter Parker. He really nailed the role spot on in every single way. I don’t have a single complaint about his performance. James Franco was also excellent as Harry Osborn, George Lucas turned him down for Anakin Skywalker, thats a great shame he did a damn good job in this. J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson stole every single scene he was in. Willem Dafoe was an excellent Norman Osborn but his performance suffered as the Green Goblin entirely due to the mask. There were a couple of scenes where he has quite a bit of dialogue and you can’t see anything but the mask. It didn’t work, it was just not holding my attention at all. Other than that top marks. Kristen Dunst as M.J. gave a great performance (and looked damn good) but never really had all that much to do. One outstanding scene was when she admits to Peter where she works, that was an excellent piece of work. While I like the fact that the worked in “tiger”, it just wasnt done well. It holds a lot more meaning than that for them in the comics.
The ending just plain rocked. It was not what I was expecting and it just worked. One of the better endings a movie can have. I really do like the fact that they set up Harry Osborn to move ahead, while you may cry out sequel setting up, do also note that in the comics Harry goes on to other things shall we say. The nice little touches to name
check some people in the Spidey universe (Doctor’s Connors and Octavius), and the stuff with the Bugle. I really hope we see more of the Bugle in DareDevil next year.
Is this as good a movie as Batman? No I don’t believe so (even if they did try and reuse its’ score but that is a minor point). I have a deep love for Batman and as much as I enjoyed Spider-Man it does not top Batman.
Sleep now, more later.