Have you ever agreed to something out of a feeling of guilt or responsibility? Despite everything it is just not something that you want, nor is it a good idea but you feel you have to? Welcome to my world. I will admit I am completely not looking forward to this at all, but it just had to be done…and yes the word ‘why’ is going through my mind a lot.
On a whole other note this coming weekend marks the first anniversary of the death of one of my friends and I hate it. Of course I hate it, I’m pretty sure I’m not suppose to like it. Something that really pisses me off and I feel very badly about is I don’t remember the date it was. I’m pretty bad with stuff like that, I have a terrible memory, the only reason I know it is this weekend is a friend told me. I remember how I found out and what happened and all the other things but I don’t remember when it was. Fuck 🙁
No-one is online to entertain me, I have to go to the shop to get some milk at some stage but I really don’t want to. I might give one of the guys a call to see if anyone is up for anything tonight but we are back to school night stuff and I still have to some washing and cleaning to catch up on.