
Have you ever agreed to something out of a feeling of guilt or responsibility? Despite everything it is just not something that you want, nor is it a good idea but you feel you have to? Welcome to my world. I will admit I am completely not looking forward to this at all, but it just had to be done…and yes the word ‘why’ is going through my mind a lot.

On a whole other note this coming weekend marks the first anniversary of the death of one of my friends and I hate it. Of course I hate it, I’m pretty sure I’m not suppose to like it. Something that really pisses me off and I feel very badly about is I don’t remember the date it was. I’m pretty bad with stuff like that, I have a terrible memory, the only reason I know it is this weekend is a friend told me. I remember how I found out and what happened and all the other things but I don’t remember when it was. Fuck 🙁

No-one is online to entertain me, I have to go to the shop to get some milk at some stage but I really don’t want to. I might give one of the guys a call to see if anyone is up for anything tonight but we are back to school night stuff and I still have to some washing and cleaning to catch up on.

It’s late, I’m bored and I’m watching Big Brother for fuck sake. What does that tell you about my current state of mind?

Ya know I hate racism. It really really hacks me off. There has been quite a long discussion going on the WEF about it over the past few days where a couple of people even flat out stated they would not give a book a look if it had a black man on the front cover (Major respect to Warren for booting that person out on the spot). Luckily enough 98% of the thread has not been along those lines but that 2% pisses me off a hell of a lot. There are just some ignorant fuckers in this world who should not be allowed to live. What possible loss would it be to the world if racists were killed tomorrow? I mean honestly aren’t we better off without the fuckers?

Dangerous thoughts I know and it leads to who is next…I was looking for a word to describe homophobia but was more anti-gay, my understanding of the word homophobia was fear of homosexuality which I can understand to a degree but a quick google would seem to indicate that no in fact I was somewhat off in that while yes that is one view, it is also fair to use the word to describe anti-gay sentiment. So anyway yes, second against the wall for the firing squad.

For the Record

I severely dislike the fact that The Corrs played at the Queen’s Jubilee. They are after all an Irish band and celebrating 50 years of an English Queen does not really seem right at all.

Why do we flirt?

Flirting is much more than just a bit of fun: it is a universal and essential aspect of human interaction. Anthropological research shows that flirting is to be found, in some form, in all cultures and societies around the world.

Flirting is a basic instinct, part of human nature. This is not surprising: if we did not initiate contact and express interest in members of the opposite sex, we would not progress to reproduction, and the human species would become extinct.

According to some evolutionary psychologists, flirting may even be the foundation of civilisation as we know it. They argue that the large human brain – our superior intelligence, complex language, everything that distinguishes us from animals – is the equivalent of the peacock’s tail: a courtship device evolved to attract and retain sexual partners. Our achievements in everything from art to rocket science may be merely a side-effect of the essential ability to charm.
SIRC Guide to Flirting: What Social Science can tell you about flirting and how to do it

Baking ;)

I found a bar of dark choclate on my shelf and when I tried it, it was way too bitter for me. So I figured the best thing I could do with it would be to make some Rice Krispie buns. So I did and they are now cooling in the kitchen. Sad eh?

Site & Typing.

I am considering installing Movable Type again and this time actually using it. But as I sit here looking at it, I can’t really think why I want to. Yes Blogger has had some problems recently and for the first time I am not impressed with them. But I don’t think I want to go to the effort of installing an entire new system as a result of that, it is nothing like as bad as that yet. Maybe I’m just bored and want to work on the site, I would like to be able to do something with the design but I don’t know what.

Typing, as I’m sitting here typing this, I am noting that my typing is a hell of a lot better than it was before and that if I could only spell it would work out so much better for me. When I’m typing, if I notice a typo I don’t like going on and fixing it later, I prefer to backspace to get to it and start again. It can slow me down a lot. While it is by no means proper touch typing, it is getting close and I guess with a little bit of work I could get there, but I don’t really have theinclination to go that far, I’m happy enough with what I have now and more importantly it does the job.


I play Spiderman over the weekend at the big demo stand on X-Box, PS2 and Gamecube. While I think X-Box may have just piped GC for looking best, gameplay wise GC had it all. It played surprisingly well and I am really looking forward to getting into work on Wednesday and hopefully finding it waiting on my desk.

Back Home

Got back just after half nine tonight and I am pretty tired. It was a long weekend but I had fun. I have some posts on my pocket pc but they will have to wait till Wednesday morning when I’m in work to sync it. But to sum up, I had a good time, hanging out with the WEF crowd was a lot of fun, more on all that to come. I am going to go sleep soon and I suspect I won’t be awake early in the morning.

Before I do, I have a passing comment. I have been very taken with the song “Birthday” by The Sugarcubes in recent hours. Bjorks voice just amazes me, I cannot understand how she rolls her voice when she basically screams. It is just this wonderfully strange sound. I may even have to go pick up some of their stuff.