Where have all the good girls gone?

So within the past week or so I’ve spoken with two good friends who I don’t normally get a chance to talk with. They both live in the US and the six hour time difference among other things gets in the way.

Earlier today I was sitting here online and my mobile started to ring. There was no number being displayed and I wasn’t bothered to answer it. Pretty much anyone ringing on my mobile I should have a number stored for and it will show up. I just wasn’t in the mood to find out who else it could be…except I had forgotten that people ringing from the US won’t show up on it.

So anyone I checked the voicemail that had been left and it was a friend in DC. Sent her a quick mail and she rang back (oops). We chatted for a bit, not really about anything much that was mainly my fault. Other than being caught off guard by the call I wasn’t really in a talkative mood. One thing she did ask and its a fair question was why was I booking all these concert tickets if I was suppose to be going to the US. Well, I’m not going to not book them in case everything gets sorted out before them, when it does get sorted if it causes problems with the dates I can work something out in work.

On that kinda note, she also mentioned recently that I was talking about music a lot more recently and yes I have been. It got me to thinking again about the fact that I don’t usually see much live music. I don’t know why that is. I’ve never been to a bad gig, never had any problems or anything. I quite happily paid £60 plus for entrance to sci-fi cons and then at least another £50 on that just for stuff there. So £30 for a ticket to a gig isn’t all that bad. Although I suspect that Springsteen could be pricey but ah well I can afford it.

But back to the talking topic, its kinda strange. I’ve been thinking over the past few days that it’s been a while since I sat down and talked to someone about stuff. Not just things in general but stuff. (Isn’t stuff a great coverall word?). Its something I should do but the chance just never really came around with anyone yet and I was kinda out of it earlier today.

I noticed something about another friend recently aswell and I don’t know if it was just because we hadn’t talked about stuff (see I’m doing it again) in a while or if it was a general change but she was way more open than I had ever noticed before. In fact she was a tad more open than I would normally be use to (no comments from the peanut gallery please). I really do wonder if that is me, but it was interesting and something worth thinking about. The words “me too” are sometimes hard to say.

I’ve been meaning to write a post about phrases for a while and when I was talking with another friend earlier in the week she used a phrase that was something I meant to talk about. Listen for yourself or someone else using the phrase “yeah..no” in conversation. Then ask yourself if it made any sense at all. More to come on that at some stage. I’m going to go and sleep now, oh and yes we have broadened from music to pop culture or indeed cult culture for these titles.