Only Understand.

I don’t know. Three little words can say so much or so very little. I don’t like them in quite a few contexts, I often hate having to say them. Other times I don’t mind. Right now I think I could answer any question at all with them. I’m pretty tired, I’m not sure why. I’ve had more sleep than usual each night for the past five or six. I even managed to sleep in late this morning and was late for work…again.

Gotta really work on that. I’ve been doing a lot better recently, but can’t just take it as it comes if I want to adjust my working hours.

I feel restricted a lot more here these days. For various reasons I don’t talk about some stuff here. Ya know when it was just me and the world it was a little easier. Its not that I’m hiding anything (well of course I am but not in this case) but I can’t necessarily talk about a conversation I had with a friend or some thoughts I have about someone when mutual friends of ours are reading it. Its just limiting. I suspect I’d talk a lot more about work, in specific some “interpersonal relationships” (blahblahblah) going on but its just not gonna happen. I guess I’m back to the whole thing of where I want to use this as a diary and write my thoughts down but I can’t let anyone read them. Yes, damn it I know I’m hung up about this. Fuck you 🙂

All of you blog more. I need something to read.