Good Guys Wear Black

Let me ask you something. Why does the good guy always have to win?

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before but every once in a while why can’t we have a movie where the good guy doesn’t win? I was really hoping Insomnia was going to deliver on that. It was set up so that it could have worked. The good guy would not have lost per se, but the bad guy would have won. It would not have taken anything away from the movie, it would have in fact added a lot to the movie.

Is there something built in to the general public that they just can’t or don’t want to accept that the bad guys can sometimes win?

More on this later after I sleep and develop a more full line of thought about it.

Let me sleep.

I’ve just come home from seeing Insomnia. Not a bad little film at all. Again Robin Williams putting in a rock solid performance and toeing it with Al Pacino one for one. Given the great job Pacino did of playing a cop who is slowly falling apart after not sleeping at all for days on end, that is saying quite a lot. I think this the first movie I’ve seen with Hilary Swank and I can’t believe she won an Oscar for playing a guy. She certainly does not rank low on the cute scale. Unfortunately she didn’t have much to do in the movie and felt a little underused.

Some good stuff from the director and the script. A particular stand out which set up everything you needed to know about the movie happens pretty early on. The two cops from LA have arrived in Alaska and are looking at the crime scene. They want to go and question the girls boyfriend, he is still in high school. So they ask the local cops to take them to the school then and there and they will pull the kid out of class. The sun is shining and its pretty bright. The local cops just look at them and one of them says “now, its 10…PM”. It stuck with me, from that point there was no night, no darkness. Simple as that.

While I enjoyed the movie, it was not a great movie. There were a couple of moments where it came close. If he had just gotten back on the plane to LA as I actually thought there was a chance of happening this movie would have shot up in my estimation. Worth seeing yes for sure, anything special; unfortunately not.

I can’t do that Dave.

Stop reading here Dave.

I am so very very bored right now. I have wasted the last hour or so looking into a bug that isn’t actually a bug. I need entertainment.

You can start here again Dave.

I’m listening to a Sigur Rios album. The title is in a foreign language that I am too lazy to try and read and type out. I don’t even know why I am listening to it at a the moment but I just am.

Of all the smokelike streams that flow into your dreams

So I was talking to a friend last night. For the first time since I’ve known her she made some sense and actually had a helpful suggestion <g>. Anyway it was about me wanting to do a Psychology course, she simply said why don’t I go and do a course which will give me the minimum requirements. It was a good thought and I shouldn’t have brushed it away so much. Instead of going back and doing some school courses (which I’m just not going to do) why not have a look for some other courses with either less requirements or that cover those requirements. So a quick google has resulted in an e-mail being sent for a suitable course 🙂


Would the person using Windows 2000 with IE6 using BlueYonder as an ISP in the UK who has spent over 30 minutes is systematically going through all my archives this evening mind letting me know who you are?

Thanks 🙂

duh, it would of course be the person whom I just told about this place… Nevermind

Little Dutch Boy

Oh yes this morning my boss was back from holidays. He was sitting at his desk catching up on some stuff. He ran software update on his Mac. Remember this?, well the Mac was still set to Dutch and it was asking him questions in Dutch. It was a funny moment.

How does it feel…?

Freudian slip or what. I typed out the title as Who does it feel before I realised what I was typing. I know get why I was getting strange looks for not knowing who Bob Dylan is. Listening to his Greatest Hits album at the mo and I never knew any of these were his songs.

I don’t know what I want to study. I has to be something I have an interest in otherwise I won’t stick it. I can’t do psychology, I don’t meet the requirements for it. That’s pretty much my top choice out the window. I don’t know if I want to do something with computers. I feel not so much bored of them but burnt out of them after the past few years and I know that’s just because of where I am and what I was doing. So I’m still thinking about it. choices are in no particular order

Media Studies
Computer Science
Politics, Philosophy and History
Humanities & something

I like the idea of going with a journalism flare or something leading up to it.

Do bear in mind whilst reading this, I have a career anything I’m looking at is not necessarily something I want to go and do as a career. That is also not to say it’s not, but its not what I am going into this looking for.

At the very least its options, and I can prove to myself and to others I guess; that I can get a piece of paper saying I can do something. hmm maybe computers would be best. I don’t know. I’m looking foward to this open day to give me some ideas.

Enjoy your trip.

So I get home and I’m feeling a little tired. I go to bring my stuff upstairs and what do I do? I trip on the very first fucking step. I suspect my foot will be a little swollen in the morning. Damn it.

Lots of thoughts going on at the moment.

Don’t you want me baby?

The site is back up, hopefully my mail will follow through shortly.

In a shock twist of events I have actually followed through on something I blogged about. I have a half day on Thursday to go to a college open day. I have also spoken with my boss and we can move my working times to suit any course I want to do.

The thought of going back to college is now officially scaring me but could be very cool. I must have a chat with HR as well. It would seem we might have some helpful policies in place.

whoo whoo.