the simple joys of listservs. They make me laugh at times. Especially the ones about Gareth Gates.
Anyways I am so no where near ready…as usual.
the simple joys of listservs. They make me laugh at times. Especially the ones about Gareth Gates.
Anyways I am so no where near ready…as usual.
Sweet. I now have a Japanese – English / English – Japanese dictionary on my PDA.
Fucking sweet 🙂
I hate my flatmate.
She would have to be home tonight of all nights. Channel 4 are showing Zooropa: U2 live from Sydney. She is asleep in the room next door. There is something very wrong about listening to U2 live with the volume down low.
Anyways a weekend recap.
Yesterday I wasn’t getting up to much. Surfed the web for most of the afternoon while doing load upon load in the washing machine. Talked to Nick on im and turned out neither of us were doing anything for the night, so we headed out to meet up for drinks. Ended up going out to Angel for the night and drinking there. Met up with his sister for a while and had a nice enough pizza for dinner. Stayed in a somewhat new bar with a late license for the night. Stuck around chatting in there until around half one. Grabbed a burger and headed home where I collapsed into bed.
The highlight of the evening has to be mentioned. We were both of course enjoying the sights around the room (as you do). One in particular stood out. Brunette with a stunning figure in what can only be described as a perfect little black number. Fuck me, did she look good. So far out of my league, but man she looked good.
Today was also quiet, bummed around online while doing load upon load of washing. Headed out to meet up with Iain to go and see 28 Days Later. It was however sold out. So we had a few drinks, went for some dinner. Chicken in Nandos was really good and then another quick drink and the actually quite funny ‘Top and Butch’ show at the 2 Brewers. Headed home pretty early to get back to work on preparing for Tuesday. I had a good night.
Spent a bit of time over both days cleaning my room. Looking a lot better than it was, but still got a bit to go.
Oh yes just a note on blog | japan , that is far more public than this one in that I have told more people about it. Probably not going to be able to run both in tandem and that one will get updated first over the coming two weeks. But you never know!
Pop culture stuff:
They have been running a lot of ads for the third season of The Sopranos on dvd over the past few days. I really want to see it. When I get back I’ve a lot of good stuff on dvd to look forward to, aswell as catching up on a couple of weeks of shows.
Speaking of, I watched Buffy 7.06 earlier. It was ok, some funny moments and a scarily hot Dawn. Xander’s plan rocked. All in all a solid hour, but no real plot developments. The bit with the missile launcher was fantastic.
I caught an episode of Alias on Channel 4 last night. I think I am really missing out on something with this show. I will really have to get around to looking into downloading it when I get back.
The Shield tonight was solid as ever. Really went into the people and worked very well for the most part.
I’ve been on a major kick all evening for Elvis vs JXL’s A little less conversation I must have listened to it going on 15 times.
Mental symptoms such as lethargy, anxiety and “reluctance to go to work,” as well as sleep-related problems including insomnia and fatigue, were most common among workers who spent more than 5 hours a day glued to their computer screen.
CNN | Too much screen time can make you sick
I had forgotten I have a Gameboy. I found it and a few games tonight as I was cleaning before I leave. Should come in useful for the flight. Must select my cds to bring aswell and pick up some battery’s. The duty free is usually good for the latter. Need to get some reading material aswell. Hoping for an airport edition of the new Tom Clancy or John Grisham or something. Nice and light flight reading.
Coming down very much on the side of bringing my own laptop. It would make a lot more sense. I can give Mairead hers and then just use mine as and when I need to. Would be very handy for blogging if I don’t have a steady net connection, I could save all the posts and upload them when I got back. However I guess I could blog on hers and then save them to my PDA. Decisions, decisions. I suspect I have washed 90% of my clothes over the past two days so I have to worry about them drying and lots of other things aswell.
Finally, Vertigo goes mini-bust with the release of MORPHEUS and MERV PUMPKINHEAD, DESIRE, THE CORINTHIAN, LUCIFER, DESPAIR, DANIEL, DELIRIUM, DESTINY, DEATH, and DESTRUCTION to tie in with Vertigo’s 10th Anniversary.
Oh I want these. Every single one of them! Check out these examples.
whoo whoo. A long awaited Astro City mini-series from Busiek, Anderson and Ross! Astro City: Local Heroes kicks off in February. The Pulse has a top interview with Kurt Busiek running at the mo. Very happy to note; there is another mini-series planned after this one!
Three new Warren Ellis series (two of which with Jimmy Palmiotti which is a Good thing) and the long awaited return of Planetary in early Spring.
Oh yeah some guy called Alan Moore will be doing a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume III.
In the scary as fuck front, from Wildstorm we have ThunderCats/Battle of the Planets and from Top Cow we have Battle of the Planets/ThunderCats. uggh.
A TRUE FRIEND Are you tired of all those mushy “friendship” poems that always sound good but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a “friendship” poem that really speaks true friendship and truth itself!
When you are sad, …I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the bastard who made you sad.
When you are blue, …I’ll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
When you smile, …I’ll know you finally got some.
When you are scared, …I will tease you about it every chance I get.
When you are worried, …I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to quit whining.
When you are confused, …I will use little words to explain it to you – dumb a**.
When you are sick, …stay away from me until you’re well again. I don’t want what you’ve got.
When you fall, …I will try to keep from laughing.
This is my oath, I pledge ’til the end. Why you ask? Because you’re my friend.
Send this to 10 of your closest friends then get depressed because you realize you only have 2, and one of them is not speaking to you right now.
And always remember: A friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a body!
Right. Time to test. I have just set blogbot to post to blog | japan. I expect this will be the easist way I will be able to update as I don’t need to try and navigate the web or anything I can just get online with a Screen Name and blog away. I suspect this will be a lot easier. I spoke with my sister earlier today, she is going to meet us on Wednesday afternoon and take me somewhere to get a camera. As long as I have my passport I don’t have to pay tax (w00t) and in fact she knows somewhere that I can haggle in English for a good price. I am so going to break down and get a camera as soon as I arrive. I am a little nervous about the whole thing and of course no-where near ready to go but I am also looking forward to it a lot.
Tuesday 12 November 2002 / Wednesday 13 November 2002
London Heathrow to Tokyo Narita (Direct)
Virgin Atlantic Airways
Monday 18 November
Tokyo – Kyoto
High speed train.
Friday 22 November
Kyoto – Tokyo
High speed train
Sunday 24 November
Tokyo Narita to London Heathrow (direct)
Virgin Atlantic Airways