WinMX is rocking my world in the best of ways. I’ve got a gig (give or take a few mb) of live tracks or live covers of songs I love. It’s just so very awesome. Quite a Sigur Ros, Radiohead, R.E.M., Smashing Pumpkins and U2 showing but some other cool stuff slipping in there aswell. On as equally a good note, I have some new Radiohead material. It’s all good, now if only my computer would behave.
I’m listening to Beautiful Day from Slane ’01 and it’s a really bad recording as it’s mainly the crowd singing and gotta pump the volume up to full to hear the music and Bono singing. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard.
Caught up on 24 yesterday and it was ok. Nothing really great but it was ok. Heading out to the cinema later on with a detour for food somewhere along the way and possibly some pool playing too.
Was talking to a friend last night and after spending a few minutes wondering why she thought it was Saturday, I realised that I was wrong and it was not in fact Friday, but late Saturday night. This was followed by the thought that I had no breakfast, lunch or dinner on Friday so there was lots of drinking on top of an empty stomach. The normal coke and candy to get through the day not withstanding. Damn, no wonder I was so hungover.
Today has been a quiet day. Slept in till 12ish and then didn’t really do much. Watched the Grand Prix, and may just be getting back into it. If the rest of the season goes like the first two races have, it could be really good.
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On the war news front, the friendly fire casualties are really adding up. Latest news would seem to show that the missing ITN news reporters are believed to have been killed by coalition fire. Added to that, an RAF plane was shot down by US Patriot missiles thinking it was a scud. I have to say I’m a little stumped by people showing surprise that there are parts of the Iraqi army actually fighting. They seem to be missing the point that the US led “coalition of the willing” is invading their country. I really can’t imagine why anyone would want to fight the forces invading their country </sarcasm>. And I note that to date, the only weapons of mass desruction have been used by the invaders.
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Listening to some of the music which I’m listening to and loving everyone moment of right now is also depressing the fuck out of me. So I’m going to go and I’m going to get some food and I’m going to load up my discman with the best of U2 from the nineties and just see where the flow goes…although the 80’s is very tempting.