a feeling i hide / that runs this world

Blog Shares has been providing me with some amusement for today. It’s good fun so far and I’m not doing too badly.

I went out for that little walk earlier, not much of a walk but it was good to be out in the air for a while. I grabbed some food and read for a while. It was all good. Instinct is an interesting thing. I had a thought a few weeks ago which seemed to be a little out there and hit the nail on the head at the same time. The same thought struck me while I was out walking and I’m thinking that instead of dismissing it out of hand like I did, that in fact I’m going to do a complete 180 and go with it. It certainly changes a few things and something which despite the fact it could (and is more than likely) be 100% wrong, perhaps assuming it is true would be a good thing.

Watched some new SG1 tonight. Nothing really great but some solid enough stuff to keep me entertained. Just finished watching West Wing which was very enjoyable. I just wish they would show it at a better time which I am sure to catch.

Music wise, I need some light music at the moment. Ryan Adams has had a few listens and REM’s last Reveal but I still have this urge to listen to something new and light and something which I don’t have and indeed can’t put my finger on. I guess I shall just keep going.

Reading wise, I got through well over 150 pages today which is good because this morning was I looking at the book and realising that I wasn’t sure I really wanted to read the last 250 odd pages. So now with it down to less than 100, I am looking forward to finishing it and moving on.

I’m working from home in the morning which isn’t ideal but I don’t really have any choice. Hopefully they will come and go early in the morning. Seen as a lot has happened over the past few days and my boss is back from holiday in the morning, I expect there to be some major catch-up all around. There is also quite a deadline for early next week and we could be very rushed to get all of that done. Hopefully not but ya never know.

We use a piece of software in work called Meeting Maker. It’s very self explanatory, it’s used to invite people to meetings and book locations (or dial in numbers) for them. Increasingly I use it to keep track of my personal life aswell. When I know there is something specific going on, I’ll note it down and label it private. But it’s getting to the stage where I want to be able to access this anywhere. Unfortunately I can’t sync it with my PDA, they are not yet compatible and I can’t use the handy publish to web feature as there is too much information about work meetings in there. So I guess I am just going to have to stop and use something. I’ve sorta used AOL calendar on and off but not certain it does exactly what I need it to.

I don’t think I have anything going on this week, which to be honest would be good. Some quiet time at home reading would really work. The weekend should also be quiet too, my mom and sister are coming over to stay. It’s is Kate’s 18th birthday so she is getting a trip to London to go shopping. Shit, NOTE TO SELF; get her a present. So there will be dinner out or something like that I expect. My flatmate is away, she is off to Rome for a few days on Wednesday which would be really nice. Someday I want to be able to just drop everything and go off to somewhere nearby for a weekend break. Yes, sure I know that in theory I can do that now without many problems but that’s only in theory.

Hmm that kinda leads me onto something else. Well, probably only in the logic which falls for mine but … sometimes, and perhaps even all the time it’s easier to type out your thoughts. I know that in general it is for me here, but obviously there is a lot of things I leave out. But this goes for im too. I was talking to a friend in the US late one night last week and we were typing in mid-conversation she rang my mobile so that we could talk instead. Uh uh, it just wasn’t happening. The conversation wasn’t going to continue over the phone and about 30 seconds later the phones were down and we were still typing away at each other. I don’t think I explained that very well to her at the time but maybe I have now.

Do you ever feel like being selfish? Not necessarily going out of your way to be selfish but just that perhaps for a change it might be nice to put yourself first? I’m having that feeling more and more of late in a number of situations. I don’t think that it’s unfair and selfish isn’t the right word (well it is, but it isn’t at the same time). I never know what to do though. I guess it all works out at the end of the day, but it rarely feels like it does. I don’t know.

I don’t understand. I was chatting with a friend earlier today about domain names. he was annoyed that his .co.uk domain had been registered as a .com domain by someone else. I was giving him grief about complaining and he said perhaps he would register my .net domain as a .com. Well, it got me thinking and indeed got me over to register.com and unfortunately idontunderstand.com is already registered or I would have picked it up this afternoon. I’ve been thinking about some other domain names for a while but it’s just something I never really got around to. Sometime in the future I think.