ný batterí

fuck. fuck. fuck. I’m going to leave it at that, otherwise I would get in trouble. I shouldn’t be made to feel like this.

Dave stomped my ass in chess yesterday (and well!), totalling the day at 3.5 games to 0.5. Not good, I managed a little better today with it going 2 games to 1 for me. Hopefully tomorrow will continue the same way.

Went to the pub for the actual last day of one of the guys in work. It was an interesting night, the cute girl who I neglected to mention I met (and got on well with) last week was there and we got on well again. hmmmm, nah ’tis all in my head I’m sure.

There comes a time when you just have to back off and acknowledge that your opponent has you. Those are the times where he or she gets a point and you just have to respect that. I was got good tonight, real good.

I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.

Shooting on Spider-Man 2 begins on Friday. Whoo hoo 🙂

The Matrix: Reloaded opens in just under 6 weeks. I actually think this could be the first sequel (excluding LOTR which is really just one long movie) which might just not disapoint. Holy Shit!. After I wrote this, I stumbled on this article

Todays listening has been Sigur Ros live in Hammersmith and it’s just so very awesome.
God I wish I understood music, I want to be able to be this piece. I want to understand it all, it’s not enough to love it, I want to be it.


I HATE the word “unloaded”. It’s really fucking badly phrased and really fucking bad that it had to be just in the first place. Don’t children get to mean anything anymore? One side sends off it’s 19 year old girls to be taken prisoner of war and then unloads UNLOADs a fucking machine gun into a 10 year old? I mean jesus christ, what the fuck?