Hail to the Thief is rocking my world more and more every time I listen to it.
Tonight, I ended up down the pub for a leaving do which I had completely forgotten about. One of the guys on my extended team is leaving us and so we had to have a couple. It was kinda strange, it was not the normal gang by any means. Well, it was, as in the usual last few but it was a lot of new people too, which is always nice.
With a bit of luck I’m about to do well out of a second crash on Blog Shares today, this one could do me really well. We shall have to see. I’m expecting the share price to drop from $135 to about $20 and I hope to make a few hundred on the cheap shares. Now if it would only go down so I could then sign off and go get some sleep.
I’m a little lost about some stuff and I just don’t know what to do. By a little, I mean a lot and in fact, I’m very lost. *sigh* All part of the real world I guess.
Dublin, Ireland, circa 1950: A couple have a young baby. It’s not doing too well, it has come down with what seems to be a bad case of flu. The mother calls their doctor, she’s very worried about the kid. The doctor promises to come around. Later that evening there is a knock at the door. The mother opens the door to find a black man standing there. He says “Good evening, I’m Dr xxxx. I believe you have a sick baby.” The mother slams the door in his face with the words “No sick baby here”.
Dublin Ireland, circa 2003: A granddaughter is back at home for a couple of weeks and she goes to see her grandmother. She brings her photo album to show her grandmother some photos from the past few months of her life. Being a dutiful grandchild she either takes no notice or chooses not to comment when her grandmother says “who is that nig…person with you in the photos”.
I heard the first story from my dad in Dublin a few trips ago. I heard the last story the last time I was in Dublin, from my dad. I really don’t know what to say to either of them. Well, the first one made me laugh, I don’t think I can quite put my finger on it, but I guess it’s the image of the person in question slamming the door shut that made me laugh. I don’t like either story, I really don’t. The first I can understand to a degree aswell as being in the 1950’s, it was in Dublin. The latter I just don’t like at all.
Another story, perhaps to add a little context to the understanding of Dublin in the 50’s. 1998 I believe it was. I had a friend over from Canada for a few days (there is a much bigger story here, those of you that know it, I’m talking about RC). We were out showing him the sights in Dublin and generally having a good time (man do I have some great photos of that night) but we were driving along the quays in the heart of the city. My friend notices something out the window and leans forward. He says “Fuck, there is another one, let me out so we can start a revolution”. (Pretty much word for word). He’s spotted another black man. Dublin has changed alot, but until the past 5 years (and still going), the term cosmopolitan did not apply.
I was reminded of those stories on the way home tonight. I don’t really know what I think about them, I’m not in a good position to think anything about them. I just don’t know.
On other notes, I got the chance to briefly catch-up with a friend who I’ve not talked to in months this afternoon which was really good. It wouldn’t be accurate to say she is someone who I have had a crush on for a long time, but I can safely say I have a soft spot for her. She’s a great person (and yes quite cute).
Today’s word of the day
marginalize (also -ise)
t verb [with OBJ.] treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral: higher education continues to exclude and marginalize female students | [as ADJ.] (marginalized.) members of marginalized cultural groups.—DERIVATIVES marginalization noun.
For some unknown reason, I almost never mange to use “you’re” when I should and it always ends up as “your”. I do know about it and I had thought about it earlier today before someone pointed it out to me in a recent post. I can also almost never spell the word “completely” correctly, the spellchecker gets it for me most times.
Oh and the crash just happened, and the price dropped to $18. Suffice it to say I got myself a few at that price. This could work out really well. Should I be able to make a few hundred on that and cash in the stuff I made from the others, we might be looking good for some blue chip stocks. Don’t look at me like that, I know I’m addicted.
Sleep now, tis in need. More tomorrow perhaps.