just cause you feel it doesnt mean its there

I’m writing some documentation at the moment and I’m actually enjoying it. This surprised me quite a bit, I usually despise writing stuff like this. But it has to be done and it’s kinda interesting. It’s also something I am in need of practice at. So working on something that interests me and helps me is a good thing. I hope to get it finished in a couple of hours and then get it reviewed and passed along.

The soundtrack for this work is the unmixed bootleg copy of the new Radiohead album: Hail to the Thief. I’m sitting here typing away and I’m putting more effort into it than anything else I would normally write especially this. I really want to get it right but I suspect that as usual I won’t. But it’s a funny thing about music and it was only when I was talking to someone about it in the pub last week that I realised this.

I can’t listen to music in work if I’m doing something I consider unimportant or dare I say it mundane. I have to be concentrating on something in order to have the music going. We did manage to explain this quite well at the time but I’m struggling now. Anyway I’m finding today that I’m hearing the music more despite or perhaps because of the concentration on the writing.

Anyway what broke me out of my document was one song, where everything was good for a moment. There was just this second where for no reason other than the music I was smiling and it was a good moment. I read somewhere yesterday that the author of that particular track cried the first time he heard the final mix of it. I sorta um dismissed I guess is the word that as being a little silly and uncalled for. But you know if I can suddenly find myself smiling for no reason other than that, well why not cry?

I’d love to know how much I’ve blogged over the past few years, and I’m looking forward to the info that I hope Dano will provide. I just did a word count on my Saturday and Sunday postings and it’s just over 2000 words. I know I typed quite a bit more than usual then but that just goes to show that if I put my mind to it and more importantly I want to do it, then I can write and a lot. Not saying anything about the quality mind you, but in this case I’m thinking quantity. Interesting. I will word count all my posts someday just to see how much it is. I’m curious.

Anyway back to documenting.