Right. I am back in London blogging from my couch. All in all a damn good weekend. The gigs were awesome. Saturday I was really tired, I’d had about 5 hours sleep the night before and it was a really long day. So I don’t think I enjoyed the gig that night as much as I should have. The support was, well I want to say shite but I won’t. It wasn’t my kind of music at all so I won’t comment. 45 minutes of it however really killed a lot of the mood.
It’s worth noting that every single person there booked tickets through a Radiohead email in a matter of hours. So there was no-one there who was not a Radiohead fan. Well, I did see one grandmother escorting her young grandson but you know what I mean. The gasps of surprise from ever single person who walked in the door as to how small the venue was. It was tiny. I was lucky on both nights, I was standing really close the stage and had great views. The build-up was phenomenal. Everyone was there to see this, the excitement was building. Support came on and killed a little of this but then at around 8:45 the Radiohead lads come on stage and go straight into There There. Man those drums just rocked. As soon as they started the crowd just moved and didn’t stop. Two nights, two long sets, two different long sets, two great gigs.
There Glastonbury set should be the highlight of the year and I think those Point tickets will have to be mine.
Hail To The Thief which I always enjoyed has grown on me so much over the past couple of days. I’ve been listening to it all day and I’m loving it lots. Especially the tracks which I wasn’t so hot on. In particular Myxamatosis is a great tune.
Other than that, the weekend was good. I had dinner with my family on Sunday night and other than that just chilled a little. Weather wasn’t great, lots and lots of heavy rain so I didn’t get to walk around as much as I had hoped but ah well.
Noticed this last time I was home but it was worse this time. Sleeping in a single bed is a little uncomfortable after sleeping in a double for so long. It was a tad alarming to wake up Sunday morning inches away from waking up painfully on the floor.
Having had some time to think over the weekend, I’m going to be London based for another while. As much as I dislike the city itself, I don’t really and I just need to get over it. So there.
Buffy finale is downloading and should be ready for my viewing tomorrow night. That would be a good thing
Interesting piece in the NYT entitled Dating a Blogger.