Right some things. As it is kinda quiet in here I thought I would do a little typing.
Springsteen is coming up on Tuesday night and I’m getting pretty excited by it. Listening to some life stuff from the 70’s and 80’s and it’s all good. So hopefully it will be a good night.

As I mentioned, today was pay-day. One of the first things I did this morning was pay off about a thousand pounds worth of bills and let me tell you, this was a good thing. Tomorrow there shall be comics and some new clothes. It’s been a while since I went out and got some clothes and I think it is about time. More than likely start in Alders at Clapham Junction and then see where I end up.

Last night was a lot of fun. I was very tired but just not in the mood for going home. Luckily enough there were a couple of others who wanted to do something so pool it was. We got to the pub to find a few people from work there already and did the usual nodding and hellos and promptly fucked off to the back of the pub to play pool. It was not good, I lost the first 5 games. A couple of them really badly. Then as the aiming juice kicked in, I entered the zone. The next 5 games were mine and they were mine well. I was just playing really well and making every shot I tried. I like it when that happens, I like it a lot.

Anyway at this stage a couple of the lads who had been working late arrived and we played some doubles for a while. At this stage we were getting quite merry and moved to the table and chatted for a while. It was all good. Called it a night as we were thrown out of the pub and hit McDonalds for a quick meal before a bus home to collapse into bed.

So it was a good night, the hangover this morning was not good but all in all it was good. I have to note that while I like the taste of Coca-Cola, it doesn’t taste right unless there is some Jack Daniel’s in it.

As for tonight, well as was agreed on here earlier, today is Friday, it is pay-day and it’s the start of the long weekend. This can only mean one thing. Although I do not intend to be hungover tomorrow and I have actually had some food today. This bodes well.

The interwebnet is slow this afternoon, really really slow. It’s annoying me. I’m trying to get to sites and it’s just going nowhere. Just like the afternoon unfortunately.