So I can sit here staring at the screen or I can type some.
Stuff in a list is looking like the best bet I think.
– Not online much in the evenings. I have had this noted by people who are never online themselves! This is entirely down to playing Enter The Matrix. Bullet Time is dragging me back for more and makes it very replayable. Hacking I imagine works wonders on PC but console wise I am a little unsure.
– They are crawling out of the woodwork. I’m talking to 5 people right now, 3 of which I get to talk to about once a blue moon. What’s going on tonight?
– I am going to keep Monday off work, for a couple of other reasons it suits me to be home in the afternoon.
– I’m reading Scaredy Cat by Mark Billimgham and enjoying it. I got into it yesterday figuring I would be waiting a while at the gig and I didn’t mind it getting into bad shape. Good book, seems to be quite a worthy follow-up to his last which I enjoyed a lot.
– I found the wire for my camera which means photos are actually on the way tomorrow. I’m quite happy about this.
– Tickets for Download arrived this morning, so I just have to collect the tent and I think it’s all set and some suntan lotion and then I think it’s all set.
– Owning a place of my own would be so very nice, but it is I’m afraid years off.
– An effort at post-irony which I meant to mention. Coming out of the first Radiohead gig, there were people handing out flyers for The Samaritans. As it happens it was Samaritans week but I found it to be a little funny.
– Well, that was a little strange.
– Lunch was good today. We sat in the park in the sunshine eating good food, playing some chess and chatting.
– Life is not a game to be won, it is in fact a war to be won.
– From the sounds of it, Comics 2003 was a blast and I’m really sorry I missed it. Next year hopefully. *sigh*
– I’m fairly tired, I had intended to be asleep by 11 tonight but that was before I signed on to quickly check my email. It’s not like I don’t know any better!
That’s all folks.