– Keanu Reeves is awesome.
– Been hanging around a message board I use to live on about 5 years ago. A friend pointed me at an interesting thread there a few weeks ago and I’ve dropped back on and off to watch the follow-up. I don’t understand why she never left it tho. I’ve replied to the two people there who I actually like and one complete and utter fuckwit this evening. Tis strange.
– I have no idea why but the current title of Sk8 J gets to me every time I see it: A Cute Girl Named Wednesday. Only connection I can think of is Christina Ricci who I’ve always had a thing for who played Wednesday in The Adams Family. Before anyone says anything, she’s the same age as me!
– I hate message boards which just shitty software to run on. I’d hang out at a couple more boards if they actually used some decent software and proper threading.
– hmm time for another change around here soonish I reckon.

there’s a gap in between

there’s a gap where we meet

where i end and you begin

– When I see the colour blue, do you see the colour blue?
– I have an urge to go and read some Alfred Bester after a thread on yet another forum mentioned them.
– IMDB is getting it’s usage from me today. I’m checking it out for about the 5th time now
Westworld does not need to be re-made and it most certainly does not need to be remade with Arnold Schwarzenegger playing Yul Brynner’s Gunslinger.
– iTunes 4 rocks. I was looking for some metal this afternoon through the network and I found something well I won’t say better, but certainly different. Paul Gross singing Ride Forever. If that means anything to you, well done. You have damn fine taste in music. It was of course the soundtrack to Due South, one of the best shows produced for TV. I do miss that show, it was really something special. So that was some listening for a while.
– “I may have taken Horse Tranqulizers recreationally, but I’ve never been rumoured to have been seen openly masturbating in a hotel bar”
– I was more tired than I thought last night. I was talking to my flatmate when at one stage I realised I had no idea what I was saying and no idea what the next word was, it was bad.
– I am reminded of a day in work where I suspect I was majorly hungover. I was sitting at my desk doing whatever I was doing and I wanted to listen to some music. So I fired up iTunes and put on my headphones. I don’t remember what I picked but something started to play. The only problem was I couldn’t hear anything. So I checked the connection, I checked the volume, I checked it was playing. All was fine. I restarted iTunes and checked everything again. Nothing. So I changed to my pc to make sure the headphones were ok. Same deal, everything looked fine but nothing was playing. I was getting quite frustrated at this stage, about 10 minutes have gone by and I’m looking at my computers confused. At this stage I realise that I have the headphones from my discman in my ears and of course I’ve not heard anything. One quick change later and everything is fine. Boy did I feel stupid that moment.
– God I love Google. After AIM and email it has to be my most used tool. It just rocks so very hard.
– The following are words. I don’t care what my spellchecker says. hungover, majorly, aswell, alot and many others which I use often.
– The opening drums on There There are really great.
– Short and sweet lately huh? I’ve a lot of stuff which I keep meaning to get down on paper but every time I get the chance to do so I can’t be bothered. So lots of snippets over the past few entries.
– I never said I was going to be consistant.
– I had planned on being in bed 2 hours ago.
– Yes the time stamps on posts like this are generally wrong, I’ll post one point and then add more to it.