– http://www.innergeek.us/geek.html: 49.5069% – Super Geek
– Fuck it, I have no idea what the gecko problems is.
– x will mark the place.
– Radiohead themselves are unhappy with the lyrics situation, so hopefully this will make a difference and they can stay.
– Chess was really good yesterday. I won 3 of 4 games (we drew the fourth) but they were really good games, in particular the first.
– CIA says al Qaeda ready to use nukes. Hm this could be bad.
– There seems to have just been a massive explosion in Paris. It’s up on AOL news, but nowhere else on the web.
– I’m looking forward to the weekend. There is nothing doing at all and I want to take it easy. Maybe do some cleaning and sorting of stuff but nothing major.
– I’ve sent my sister in Tokyo the same package twice now and she’s not got it. I hate the postal service in this country. On that note, I have to send a parcel to a friend in the US. I’ll try and get to the post office for both of them tomorrow but I am notoriously shit at things like that.
– Should the angels call well it’s only then / I might pull in the reins
– I’ve sent my sister in Tokyo the same package twice now and she’s not got it. I hate the postal service in this country. On that note, I have to send a parcel to a friend in the US. I’ll try and get to the post office for both of them tomorrow but I am notoriously shit at things like that.
– Had I not got Glastonbury coming up in a few weeks I’d have booked a holiday today. BA has a one day only really cheap deal going to various places. One’s of note being San Diego and DC, but right now I can’t afford it.
– I’ve been using some Radiohead lyrics for the past few weeks from their latest album Hail To The Thief. One in particular stands out; Where I End And You You Begin. Thinking about it, there while there might be a gap between people, there are some people who have a gap between themselves and the real world. It’s really strange how people can seem to be so up in the air and not actually have any understanding of what is going on around them. There is a gap allright.
– four, five, six, seven, I’m up in the clouds
– It really doesn’t feel like it’s Wednesday already.
– Chess was worse today, 1 win, 1 loss and 1 draw. I also lost the game stupidly, I should have kicked Dave’s ass but I missed something and lost the game with one move. *sigh*
– Sun, sea, sand, sex and sangria. Now how does any of that sound anything other than great?
– Reread Batman: Year One last night, a good solid Batman read. This should be a movie