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St. Anger is blasting out my headphones at the moment. I headed up to Hammersmith at lunch time to pick it up. So far, so-so. It’s ok, but it seems to be missing something. I am only 4 tracks in and I’m waiting for it to just come together. I really like the fact that the bonus dvd it comes with contains the entire album live. That’s a nice little bonus. Pretty so-so overall I think, I am looking forward to listening to the tracks on the live DVD, the stuff sounded so much better live last weekend.

Movie tonight I think, last night turned into a late night down the pub with lots of beer and lots of pool playing. It was a good night but lead to a rough morning today. So tonight I want to take it easy and turning something on the tube while grabbing some good music sounds about right. I have no idea why I just typed all of that. I picked up The Animatrix at lunch time too so of course I’ll be sat in front of the tv all night.

Still bored, so quite glad to have something to listen to anyway.

– whoa deja vu

– Switched into AOL radio for a bit and just got Tori Amos’s Cornflake girl. I hated this song when it first came out but now it just works. She’s one of those artists I really have to be in the right mood to listen to but when I am, she has some great stuff.

– I thought it was a really quiet afternoon and was quite happy to have not recieved any email. However this sounded a little strange. I get over 100 a day and none for 4 hours is unusual. I then found out that my email program had crashed about 4 hours ago but had not closed or shown a message. One quick exit and back in saw several folders fill up with new email. Luckily nothing urgent and nothing I have to respond to anytime soonish.

– You know what is a good word? I’ll tell you, odd is a good word. Odd, lots of things are odd, people in particular are odd. Some more than others of course. The odd couple is a phrase I like too. I don’t really mean it in the couple sense tho, it’s just a way to describe two people together in anyway which doesn’t seem to fit.