So it’s Monday. The first day of a new week and all that. How does it start? Well I managed to leave my fob and secure-id at home. So not only was I not able to get into the building, I wasn’t able to log on.
I hope this is not a portent for the week to come.
Soundtrack is the stunningly pretty: ( ) by Sigur Ros. Getting to track 3, I could almost be lulled into a deep sleep, it’s so very pretty. Haunting, that’s the word I wanted, it’s haunting.
Today isn’t all that hectic, so far anyway. That may change later but doesn’t look much like it. Lunch I expect shall involve the park, some sunshine and a chess set. I like the sound of this.
The office is quiet today. There are a lot of people away on business or pleasure and so it’s pretty empty around me too.
Moved onto 18 till I Die by Bryan Adams last night and the tracks which I remember as being standout, are not as standout as I remember and the stuff I wasn’t so fond of is not actually that bad at all. Hmm, Didn’t give it all that full a listen so I might try it again later today.
I’ve mentioned this site before. I don’t go there all that often but when I do it usually gets to me. It’s a such a simple site and yet so very elegant. I probably won’t go back to it for a few months now but oh I don’t know. I just don’t know.