cubes are not supercomputers

[14:47:48] Iain: ‘The trouble people go to upgrade it, it’s comical. Someone will put a G5 in a Cube. I guarantee it ‘
[14:48:11] Dave: yep, and you’ll be jealous
[14:48:24] Iain: i’ll be doing it 😉
[14:48:30] Iain: maybe
[14:49:08] Dave: go for it
[14:49:15] Dave: then it can be a little super
[14:49:29] Iain: 🙂 it already is super
[14:49:38] Dave: of course it is
[14:50:12] Iain: CUBE1.jpg
[14:50:20] Iain: they have two iPod’s too
[14:50:48] Dave: pretty chess set 😉
[14:51:32] Iain: and a pic of jonathan ive too
[14:54:50] Dave: When you fall, I will try to keep from laughing.
[14:54:52] Dave: ha 🙂
[14:57:19] Iain: watercooler.gif
[14:57:47] Dave: that’s so very awesome
[14:57:51] Dave: you need to do this
[14:57:58] Dave: you need to do this
[14:58:43] Iain: no way
[14:59:00] Dave: awww
[14:59:06] Dave: you know you want to
[14:59:21] Dave: if you have it working in a bucket of water then it shall forever be known as a super computer

stolen shamelessly from Iain who stole it from someone else and I may even have posted it before

Are you tired of all those mushy “friendship” poems that always Sound good but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a “friendship” poem that really speaks true friendship and truth itself:

Friend, when you are sad, I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the bitch who made you sad.

When you are blue, I’ll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

When you smile, I’ll know you finally got some.

When you are scared, I will tease you about it every chance I get.

When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to stop whining.

When you are confused, I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass.

When you are sick, stay away from me until you’re well again. I don’t want what you’ve got.

When you fall, I will try to keep from laughing.

This is my oath, I pledge ’til the end. Why, you ask? Because you Are my friend.

Send this to ten of your friends then get depressed because You realise you only have two, and one of them is not speaking to you Right now.

And always remember: A friend will help you move house. But a Really good friend will help you move a body.

I’m not a happy camper at all.

Rewind 24 hours. I was feeling a whole lot worse yesterday morning so I didn’t go into work. I stayed in bed watching TV for a while before getting up to go and read while lying down on the couch.

I had planned on doing a little work and spending some time online during the day. Some of the stuff I’m on deadline for I could have gotten through at home. However this was not to be. I turned on my computer to have a mere 2 seconds later the power socket on the back blow and take the screen with it. So I’m now officially computerless at home. I’m not happy, not happy at all.

So the rest of the day was pretty much spent moping around the house feeling sorry for myself. Watched lots of TV and read for a while. One thing of note was Ed Brubaker’s A Complete Lowlife. It was excellent and the kind of book which could easily have brought me to tears (did I mention I was pretty unhappy at the time?) if I let it. Not sure I’m going to read it again anytime soon and I think I picked a bad time to read it, but it’s gonna stay with me for a while.

One of the lads was back in Dublin for a few days so I have some Tayto on my desk and damn do they taste good. Always nice to have a reminder of home, just a little more longing to deal with.

Flaming Lips and Iron Maiden are playing London later in the year. I shall be attending both I believe. Something to look forward to at the least.

Looks like I’m meeting up with some friends whom I haven’t seen in possibly a year for a cinema trip next week. Could be interesting.

Bush said it is “important for society to welcome each individual,” but administration lawyers are looking for some way to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals.
“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or another,” Bush told reporters at a White House news conference. “And we’ve got lawyers looking at the best way to do that.”

Bush wants marriage reserved for heterosexuals

Congrats America, land of the free and that bollocks.

conversation snippets

‘You walked past me in Leicester Square Station on Friday night.’
‘Oh I didn’t see you, you should have said “hi” or tapped on on the shoulder.’
‘I did both.’

love dares you.

It’s Tuesday and I hate Tuesdays. It’s not been a great day so far.

Now I’m listening to some Flaming Lips and staring at my screen despondently.

Tickets are booked for Thursday night. Nine of us are heading out after work, so looking forward to that one quite a bit. Tonight looks to be a quiet night in at home. More DVDs to watch and then later The Shield,

And then things get better. Randomly clicking through the service and I see we are streaming Under Pressure from Queen Live at Wembley and my is it awesome!

someone’s at the door

London Mobs. Whoo hoo

Nevermind that, this is a whoo fucking hoo if I ever saw one

Sheriff Lucas Buck back on Duty?

Please, please, please, please, please give me the entire original series on DVD please!!!

God damn, West Wing season 2 episode 14 “The War at Home”. Josh and Donna are awesome and Joey Lucas just steals the show.

I expect blog feedback on O today.

Jim Lee and Brian Azzarello are apparently on for Superman next year with Greg Rucka writing another. I wonder how that will work out. Think I’ll go with the guaranteed trades on both.

My mother has just reminded me (subtlety I think) that my sister turns 21 in a couple of weeks a few days. She is finishing up in Japan and climbed Mount Fuji yesterday. Photos of sun rise from the top are stunning. One of them just became my new wallpaper.

There are certain words which I can never spell correctly the first time around. What really pisses me off is when I spell check the fucker and then paste in the old text and not notice till I’ve already sent it. Fucking typical.

So I’ve finished off the first season of The Shield and it’s great stuff. The discs shall start doing the rounds in work this week.

Feeling a little strange lately. The past few days in particular. I think I have a cold coming on. But I’ve been off balance and unable to focus a few times and generally my head feels clogged. Shall see how it goes over the next couple of days. Hopefully it will all just go away, wouldn’t life be nice if it would?

Oh the latest Global Frequency from Warren Ellis wasn’t bad at all. Some really really nice art from Lee Bermejo. Also very glad to have had The Planetary Reader catching me up with the three issues not traded before the series kicks off again.

and the road, it fades away.

The Clapham Picturehouse was showing Secretary at 1pm today as a “second chance screening”. It was something I wanted to see when it came out but never got around to so I figured I would head there and check it out. I was pleased to find it was only £3 in and it wasn’t a bad movie at all.

Great cast led more than ably by Maggie Gyllenhaal and nice to see Patrick Bauchau even if it was for a short time. A couple of times I thought the movie was going to descend into black comedy but while some of it was quite funny it went more for the heart of an S&M relationship. Funny and nicely manages to avoid being in anyway exploitive which given the theme of the movie, they deserve props for.

Walked back to Clapham Junction, stopped by my local comic shop and then home to lay around for the rest of the day. I have to go to the shop in a little while to get something for dinner and then some DVDs I think. Finish off season 1 of The Shield and then into season 3 of The Sopranos. I picked up Superman II for £7.99 yesterday and want to watch that soonish aswell. Also considering watching Terminator and T2 before Thursday.