
So that now makes two people whom I care lots about are mad at me.

I guess I should be able to explain myself better but I can’t, it’s just not me. If you don’t like it, it is my fault … maybe, but it’s your problem. I’m going to go ahead and not send a stupid email. I shall wait till Monday morning after I have given it some due consideration.

Fuck it all anyway. I really don’t care right now. Unfortunately that’s not true. If I didn’t care, it wouldn’t get to me.

– Looks like I’ll be spending some of the weekend helping Iain decorate in return for pizza and beer. I had nothing planned so that works I guess.

– I was playing some pool tonight and at some stage ended up holding Nick’s cigarette while he was taking a shot. I hate the fact that after last weekend I wasn’t just holding it, I started smoking it. I don’t have all that much willpower but I have enough fucking willpower not to take up smoking. My throat hurts already.

– How some people still have their job is beyond me.

– Trust and respect, well I’ve alot less of both this week.

– *sigh* I need a new computer quite badly.

– Sleeping late tomorrow, then reading for a while. Cinema at some stage over the weekend I guess. I have to look into a suit aswell and I should really talk to my parents. I spoke to my mom on IM for the first time in about 1 month today.

– It appears that AOL blogs are now very much out in the open and indeed it was Warren Ellis’ Die Puny Humans which told me this. So much for “over communicating”. Still I have to say I’m fucking excited by everything I’ve read about them and I shall be involved in testing at the least. See: Buzz Machine. Note to self, look into this more on Monday.

– R.E.M. really are one of the greatest bands of all time.