I’m feeling quite a bit better now, took some neurofen as soon as I got home and West Wing making me laugh hysterically at one stage I think helped.

So the summit is over and I’m going to back at my desk tomorrow. It’s taken a hell of a lot out of me, much more than I expected. Overall it was good, I think we have some very solid results to build on and the start of a roadmap. It’s pretty much covering a year and I could be involved in more than I had originally thought. Not sure yet if this is a good thing.

Actually I did want to say something else on the summit front. I think I held my own quite well and I know that I contributed a lot. I’m happy with that, it’s not all that often something like this comes up so I’m very happy to think that I handled it well.

Having said all that, thank fuck tomorrow is Friday. The weekend is going to be good. I am going to sleep late and take it easy. Another cinema event I think.

There has been lots of other stuff over the past few days, but a couple of them require more thought to get down here than I really want to spend now.

The phrase “existing in London” rang very true with me today. I don’t really know how to even go into that one and it’s probably not something for here but it’s up there right now. Reminds me of an old Radiohead line I really like; “I’m not living, I’m just killing time”.

Not heard anything from my parents since Wednesday night so I assume there has not been anymore calls. I’ll catch up with them over the weekend.

I’m tired, everything else can wait until tomorrow.