So all quiet on the western front so far. I’m enjoying Strays by Jane’s Addiction a hell of a lot. Note to record companies, I streamed this on Monday morning and instead of just capturing the stream I bought the album.

Been reading and watching TV so far. I’m thinking about going out and sitting somewhere and reading and then a movie later.

Sorta thought about heading into town but it’s London Pride and I imagine it will be quite busy and more than likely my bus won’t actually run all the way into town today. Might wander along Kings Road but more than likely not, just head up there to the cinema. Then again I see that there are several late night showings just down the road. Perhaps I’ll hang on and wander around. That sounds quite fun, just leaves the few hours till then for entertaining.

Well, dinner of some sort out I would guess (not pizza) and Starbucks with a coffee and a good book (Iain Banks’ Dead Air) are pretty much top of the list and that leaves plenty of time to wander along to a cinema.


This coming Wednesday looks like it’s going to shape up to be a pool night, hopefully get some people out for a laugh and then Thursday is a cinema night with a load of us off to see a preview of T3. Looking forward to that one a lot.

Lets see, what else?

Interesting discussion during dinner on Wednesday night (which did lead to some comments about how we were renowned for our dinner conversation); suicide. One point which was made a few times was an old adage that if there is anyone on the planet who cares about you, you can’t kill yourself as it’s not fair on them. It is a good point but I don’t really agree with it all that much. Yes, suicide is ultimately a selfish act but at the end of the day if things are bad enough that your prepared to go through with killing yourself, things have to be kinda bad. And I don’t have a problem with that. If you are that unhappy in life and it’s not looking like it’s going to get better, I don’t see why you don’t have the right to end your life. Perhaps a more organised way of going about it would be good but at the end of the day it is your life to do with as you please. Just my two Euro.

Work is very much a CYA area at the moment. I have to admit to have been waiting for the meeting I had yesterday afternoon, to be honest I expected it a little earlier. The outcome wasn’t particularly bad but I do intend to take further issue with it on Monday morning.

Sleeping has been pretty fucked up this week. I was in the office early for a few days and being at my desk by 8am is a foreign concept but it had to be done. Woke up around 10 this morning which wasn’t ideal, another couple of hours would have been nice. I’m feeling tired already. It will pass, it always does.

Food soonish I think, no idea what though. Maybe just a hotdog and some fries maybe a wander around to find something nice.