One toasted cheese sandwich and one bottle of real lemonade and I feel quite a bit better.

It’s way too fucking hot outside.

My hardware update has just arrived so I’m in the midst of some data transfer and setup. This new PC is more than double the spec of what I’m running now and should hopefully sort all the problems I’ve been having. It should also nicely compliment my big new monitor. It seems to have a decent graphic card and that will help ramp up the display.

It does make me a little happy.

It’s also a little funny. I have now on my desk three computers and three monitors. It’s all quite nice really. One straight on, the big nice one and one on either side. It’s got quite a pod like feeling. Not gonna last very long I don’t think and I don’t really want it to, but it looks kinda good 🙂

Shame about the shadow line but this is the team (well represented I think) at the wedding yesterday.

And much later on down the pub after the wedding was over.

Scruffy bastard at the end is Patrick and the guy on the right is Richard.

well it’s too late tonight

So I’ve just ironed my shirt. I’d like to you to take a moment and think about that one please.

So I’ve just ironed my shirt.

All done? Good, bit of a concept there I know. I can’t remember the last time I ironed but it was a long long time ago. All set for the morning now, just need to get up and shower and go. Setting the alarm for 6am and will probably be very early but I’d rather be. I expect to get to the meeting point about 30 minutes early, but I want to leave lots of extra time just in case. I also expect to meet many of the others there early too.

I just set the U2 DVD to random play. Out of 22 tracks it starts with One, that is something I cannot complain about.

Sleep calls.

Damn Hulk was bad.
Cast were fine on paper but just shit on screen and what the fuck was up with Absorbing man? The slight rejig of the origin I thought worked quite well but could have so done without any more of David Banner. Some nice HULK SMASH moments but over all blah.

Suit all sorted, on the way out to see a preview of Hulk.

In other news my day started when I tried to put a load of washing on to find that Katrina’s wash was not done and that the indicator and door lock was broken. It all went downhill from there.

Just watched Shaolin Soccer not bad, not as great as I had hoped but overall enjoyable. Being in a foul mood may have biased me against it.

Photos online tomorrow night…maybe

At the risk of overusing the word, you have to be fucking kidding me. The list of things which are a joke is growing daily.

Went to the pub last night for some last night out before the end of freedom for Fred. Went to the Albion which we have not graced with our presence in a while. They have a dart board now, you can guess where this one is going. It was good fun till we had a few drinks and started missing the board on a regular basis. Lot’s of talking and laughing and a little arguing. Some of it was not good at all and it was as usual one of those stupid pub conversations where you say what your thinking and some of it starts to come out. Not quite at throats but it was getting close for a while.

My dvds arrived this morning which I am well fucking pleased with. I’ve been wanting to see Shaolin Soccer for a long time and got a R3 Directors Cut with English subtitles for 7.99 from CD WOW. I like this a lot. Picked up U2 The Best of 1990 – 200 aswell and looking forward to getting some tunes and vids going on there.

Listening to some U2 right now as it turns out, the B sides from the collection just mentioned. Good stuff all round, I particularly like Lady With The Spinning Head. I had some very strange dreams last night which I promptly forgot, I just remember them being strange. Reread Top Ten this week, great little series, I really want the first volume in hardcover. Rereading Tom Strong and it’s kinda blah. It didn’t click with me the first time and on rereading it’s still blah.

Fuck, I’m quite hungover so I’m not feeling the best. Cold is going away slowly but surely.