It’s been a quietly geeky day. Woke up around 11am not feeling the shots of last night too much which was good. Went online and surfed aimlessly for a little while. Then in a one of these things, spend the afternoon blowing Blood Bowl with the V. I didn’t do very well but I have a new team now and they are coming a long a little better than the last one.
Feeling a little house bound with a minor headache and a need to walk, I went out for a walk. Picked up the discman wanting some Sigur Ros. I was crossing Chelsea bridge and something about the view caught my attention. I was looking in towards London and I think I thought I should be impressed by the view or something like that. About a second later I realised how wrong that was. I don’t like this city, I don’t like it at all. I hate calling it home.
I was walking back along Chelsea embankment towards Albert bridge and I was listening to Untitled Number 3 and I don’t know why but it hurt, and I mean that in a good way. It just hit me and it hit hard. It was so very beautiful I was walking along and it was going and going and going and it was almost perfect. Strange, I know.
I just finished The Dice Man and I’d like to quote to you from the last few lines:
“Who’re you?”
“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting. I am”
Man, it’s perfect, it’s beyond perfect. It’s a wonderful book, it’s a really wonderful book. One day when I have that library, it will be in a place of honour. There is a sequel but I don’t think I want to read it. The copy I have has a preview chapter of it at the end and I don’t want to read it. It stands on it’s own perfectly. There is no need for anything else.
I don’t know what to read now. I don’t think I have anything which I can follow that with. So the choice is to go looking in the ‘to read’ box or to go for some fluff entertainment and just enjoy it. I don’t know. I’m also rereading 100 Bullets trades but I want a book aswell. I wonder what I have lying around.
Tomorrow is September the first. How did that happen? I don’t know where the past few months have gone to.
On this day in:
2002. I watched Battle Royale and The Ring for the first time
1997. I met up with a group of friends and we went to see Conspiracy Theory
1996. A couple of school friends came around and we played Nintendo for the afternoon
1995. It would appear I came home from school and spent the entire night watching tv.
1994. School bored me.
Hmm, not that much there really and not much to add to it this year either.