I seem to have lost the ability to sit down and read. The lure of multimedia gets to me, I don’t sit down and read anymore. Ok I do on new comic day but that’s about it. I read on the bus/train to work or indeed anywhere else I’m going but the days of sitting on my bed with some music on and reading are few and far between. I really want to finish off the last Phillip Pullman book but I don’t want to sit here and listen and read. I’m thinking about throwing on a movie, a comedy to be precise so I can laugh.
I just watched Ichi The Killer which I’ve been waiting to see for at least a year and well I’m very disappointed. I was expecting a masterpiece but I didn’t get it. I suspect I made a mistake in watching the dubbed version as I didn’t pay full attention to it as I would have to for subtitles. I shall perhaps revisit it one day.
Last night ended up being a night down the pub. One of the guys in work had a bad weekend and wasn’t in a good state, woman trouble at a guess and was in need of some cheering up so a few of us hit the Firkin. It was quite a surreal night. I spent most of it not drinking just chatting and playing some pool but he was well on the booze finishing the night with and I don’t even know what comes after quadruple, 5 shots of 10 year old Scotch in one glass. Suffice it to say he wasn’t looking that great this morning but he was feeling a hell of a lot better by the end of the night which made it a good night.
When I was in Dublin last month, I picked up a Dublin sport shirt in the Duty Free on the way back. I wanted something with some home colours and it seemed to suit. So of course I got home here and completely forgot about it. I found it over the weekend while I was getting some stuff out of a press. It’s a good shirt.
I’m so much closer to getting my hair all chopped off. Yes I’m blogging about my hair again…what are you trying to say? It may just have been the really bad conditioner I ended up with the last time I was in the shop, I got another tonight and it’s so much better. A shower before bed is often a lovely, lovely thing. So I’ll see how it goes. It’s in need of a cut again anyway. Maybe a quick trim before the weekend…maybe a very quick more than trim before the weekend.
The third season of 24 airs tonight. Torrents should be available by this time tomorrow. This is a good thing 🙂 Brings me back up to three shows; Angel, Smallville and 24