there is nothing left to try

So today was quiet enough. Messed around online for most of the afternoon winning my first tournament game which was good ๐Ÿ™‚ Watched a few more episodes of Teachers and then the Japanese Grand Prix where unfortunately Schumacher and Ferrari won both championships

Wanted to go and see Kill Bill, so I headed into town to catch a 6.30 showing. Got there around 5.45 to find a queue around the block for tickets. So I went to see Bad Boys II instead. It was big and silly and fun. Up there as one of the most entertaining movies of the year. I laughed a lot and the action sequences were over the top fun.

Next weekend has some big releases coming out. I’m looking forward to Mystic River a lot. I enjoyed the hell out of the book and I’ve heard many good things about the movie. So I want to see that and of course Kill Bill if I have not caught it during the week and of course League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen which I know is going to bad but I have to see anyway. I think I shall book Monday off work and have a long weekend with many cinema trips. It will be a good way to spend Sunday afternoon when I shall be no doubt very hungover from Saturday night.

Listening to Madonna’s Ray of Light for the first time in a while. It’s a good album, Frozen is easily the best track but the rest are mainly pretty decent too.

Not really too much to talk about tonight, there ain’t no-one on AIM to amuse me, all the forums are Sunday evening dead and I’m not really in the mood to watch anything.

it might just be great again.

Yet again another lost post.. FUCK

So I’ve just come home from a friends birthday party. It was good, had a couple of drinks and talked to some nice people.

I spent most of the journey home thinking how I wanted to sit down tonight and type and type and type but I’m so not doing that. It would be far more than I want to go into.

Moving has another effect which I’ve been thinking about a few times over the past while. I’ve a lot of good memories here, they are split about 50-50 (uh-huh) with somewhere that isn’t there anymore either.

I managed to, with the best of intentions, say something really stupid in IM a few moments ago. It was a conversation which would have worked so much better in person.

I watched and enjoyed Smallville earlier. It was nothing special but I really like the turn on the Superman mythos in particular the Lex stuff. It’s a little off base but I think it’s very true to the spirit which at the end of the day counts for it all. Angel before it was fun, sold me a little more on the Spike thing than I had thought in the first place which is good. Also got some Teachers season two watching in. It’s funny, one of the best examples of sarcasm on TV these days and I like that.

I’m about to start reading Bester’s The Demolished Man and I’m looking forward to it a lot.

Now I’m just going to post this and shut down before I type anything else.

when everything is made to be broken…

Do you ever associate songs with people? Of course you do, everyone does (right?). We were chatting in the pub last night about music and covered the best bitter break up songs. My vote as always goes to Green Day’s Time of Your Life (Good Riddence,) but I was surprised to find that Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls was considered a depressing song and suitable for breakups. I’ve dug my singles of both out and just put them again. Again as ever the first few seconds of Iris just get me. It hits. Listening to it again, it certainly could be used as a break up song but I always thought of it as an unrequited love song.
Anyway the original point of the past was to note that it is nice sometimes when songs loose the meaning you have assigned to them and just became the same pretty song you have always loved but with no hidden deeper meaning. Of course sometimes it’s not very nice.

I’m going to try and spend the day in my happy place. It somehow feels right. I’m going to go and watch Angel now while I leave Smallville downloading. With a bit of luck it will be done in a couple of hours and then I can watch that before the evening’s entertainment begins.

Man, it’s been an evening. In a surprise move we hit the Firkin after work. In not such a surprise move, I did not win tonight. Still a good night was had by all I think. I just really wish that girls (ahem women) with boyfriends were NOT ALLOWED to flirt!

I’ve been wanting to mention something to someone for a while and not known how. Tonight, we were chatting and it became a case of just say it. It’s lead to one of the best conversations we have ever had…sometimes charging the bull (just an expression!) really is the best options.

Also a few people have enquired, the whyfore to my moving and all that is nothing bad at all but it’s also not my business, it’s my flatmates so I don’t intend to mention it publicly.

One of the things I’m talking to someone about is who knows about this place. I’ve told less than 5 people the url to this blog. At least that many friends have found it and some not so much friends. It does not bother me all that much anymore but it sometimes surprises me how few people know. I only told someone who I like a lot and trust even more (but don’t get to talk to very much) a couple of weeks and we’ve known each other for going on 4 years!

Trying to get a short notice V showing of Kill Bill on Sunday afternoon. So far it’s not going so well, could be just me and Alex and seen as we have not actually met(!) it adds the whole not good with people I don’t know thing in aswell.
Got a party to go to tomorrow night, which I hope to keep toned down a little, so a busy enough weekend ahead.

Alias season 1 arrived in the post this morning so I’ve got that and the second season of Teachers lined up to watch aswell. Oh and flat hunting stuff too. *sigh*

I finished The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester this morning. ‘Tis a wonderful book, as good if not better the second time around. I think I prefer the original title of Tiger, Tiger! but I love the book. The blurb on the back from William Gibson I think calls it one of the greatest sci-fi novels of all time…and it’s so damn right. I love this book. I didn’t realise how much I love this book until I read it again, but it’s awesome. I heard recently that they are planning on filming this pretty soon, Vin Diesel is Gully Foyle Tomorrow I start on rereading The Demolished Man.

Oh yes, I’m proud of myself for passing a test tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

In madness you dwell

Last night was good. Just the three of us for the evening. As usual when the time comes around the numbers dwindle. Still we played some pool and drank some beer. Played well enough throughout, a couple of games lost by potting the black, one of them on my first shot. I was not impressed. But it was all fun and certainly one to be repeated again soon.

So it’s my birthday soon. Last year I kept it pretty quiet and didn’t tell anyone till it was over, I didn’t really want to do anything about it. I was going to do the same this year but I thought about it yesterday and figured it was a good reason to get some people out in town in a decent place for a change with hopefully some good numbers. So I’ve just sent out an email to lots of people inviting them out to the Porter House next Saturday night. Hopefully it will be good ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh I meant to mention this last night. I have a cd holder which I use for travelling it holds about 15 CDs. So I had it over in Dublin full of things I wanted to listen to. I’d not looked in it since I came back but last night I wanted some stuff in it so I dug it out. Opened it up and there, the first CD is Luther Vandross Greatest Hits. There was just a little bit of a double take but of course I had lent the thing to my sister so she could copy anything she wanted and she must have put it in there. I feel all dirty.

Today’s soundtrack is another greatest hits, Meatloaf’s Hits from Hell.

Jeb Bartlet: Arnhult
Leo McGarry: Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura
Toby ย Ziegler: Carl Weathers
CJ Cregg: Brigitte Nielsen
Josh Lyman: Hulk Hogan ย 
Sam Seaborn: Dolph Lundgren
Charlie Young: Jean-Claude Van Damme

It amused me, so props to Jamie B for posting this on ADF.

Last night just as I turned off my light to sleep I got a cramp in my left leg, pretty bad. Not quite bad enough to actually cry out with pain but it took effort not to. The muscle down the back of the calf was rock solid and so very tense, not a good feeling there. Also not the best way to try and get to sleep, much better at waking someone up!

A quiet evening at home not doing much but thinking and fucking around online.

Having actually done some flat research I really think I need a flat share. So that’s not the best thing in the world. I’d rather live with someone I know given that I have to, I’m not good with people I don’t know and I don’t like the idea of walking in somewhere. Noticeboard in work I guess is going to get hit tomorrow. I know there is at least one note up there, maybe I really should take it’s details.

I was thinking about this place recently, a few more people know of it’s existence know and I was thinking about showing it to a few more. Mainly because I’d not had anyone comment on anything I had written in a long time and then in one day I had several people comment on something… It made me laugh.

I don’t know why but I’m listening to Bowie again and it’s bad.

say your prayers little one

I had a really strange and vivid dream last night. It was the first day of college somewhere and I was moving in to a dorm room of some sort. It was very detailed, down to class times and other minor details. Very strange.

I woke up a few moments before my alarm this morning. When it went off I thought to myself, that’s nice I’m awake and ready to get up so I can just stay here for a few more minutes and then of course one hour later…

Didn’t do the presentation thing (called presthing on my desktop) as it became a little irrelevant and some better things may come of it.

I’m working on a spreadsheet at the moment and it’s way fucking over complicated. It’s a lot of text strings and urls to localise but it’s spread out over 10 sheets with no logical order to it at all. It’s pissing me off alot.

Quote of the day solves a lot of my current problems:
“I know we give out, but it’s special circumstances this time”.

Started flat hunting and starting to feel strangely good about it which I like. It could all work out but it’s left me realising how lucky I was where I am, everything I’ve looked at is going to be so much more expensive…unless I go for a studio flat, which I think I like the idea of…or I find someone to share with which I like the idea of less. So things are a little more upbeat which of course it was only time until it happened.

Just come off a short enough call, only 40 minutes of the scheduled 60 used up. However it led to two more calls a week now meaning that I’ve at least one conference call a day every day. Yay!

Some video conferencing likely to come in soon, the setup is all ready here and the technology is out to beta so I don’t see why we don’t actually get using. Wonder how the network would take to it…

Today has been a Metallica day, some of the Black Album, some of …And Justice for All and a little bit of ReLoad. It’s all good. The intro for Enter Sandman is just class.

does this mean we’re through, does this mean we are gone?

I’m not quite sure what Matt (our new boss) thinks of the team. We are all pretty loose, we’ve known each other for years and we give each other a lot of shit. This evening we really went for it, there was a lot of grief flying around the place and although it’s all good natured, certainly it does not seem that way to anyone watching. We were chatting about it in the pub tonight. Glenn and I give each other the most shit but we had a drink this evening and just chatted, it was good.

Had a really good Firkin lunch today with the whole team, we had some food and took the piss for an hour…nothing new there then!

Hit the Firkin again this evening to take advantage of their two for one Tuesdays and had a quick catchup with someone I’ve not talked to in a long time so that was all good. The first person I met from our new Luxembourg office was in the pub this evening and she was quite cute…so hopefully many more like her.

Quote(s) of the day:
“I’m sure she’ll start talking about her family at that stage.”
“That’s ok, I’ll just ignore her and stare at her breasts when she does that”
“Shit, I thought that was just me!”

Some not nice stuff going down on the V at the mo but it’s lead to something I don’t like. I know it’s a private folder and all that but I really dislike the sharing of emails. Of course this is up to each person themselves but I don’t like it…and yes I may carry some guilt about the issue.

This really is the week for old friends, I got a text yesterday from someone I have not heard from in a few months assuring me she was still speaking to me but just really busy so that’s good.

I also had very strange … and very vivid dreams last night. I know exactly where they came from but at the same time having woken up it was hard to remember that they were not memories but dreams. ‘Twas a strange one.

It’s been a long time since I hit a V DU, I should go again soonish. I would go this Thursday but I have a pool night after work, should be fun ๐Ÿ™‚

Sleep now, I want…make that need to make my train in the morning. I somehow ended up telling my boss I’d do a presentation in the morning because I didn’t feel I was explaining a certain area very well and that I would do it in our team meeting with the logic being that if I can’t sell the subject to everyone there I’m really fucked when it comes to the real meeting later this week. In other words I’m an idiot, I even went looking for our powerpoint template to do it out.

Soundtrack these days is back to some Bob Dylan in work and still Kings of Leon on my discman. It’s all good..and you know that to be true when I talk about music!