A long, interesting and fucked up day at work. I’m going to bed early.

– It’s a shame I don’t get to talk to some people longer, I like them lots and enjoy talking with them.
– Had lunch with Iain for the first time in a while and it was good.
– A couple of friends announced their engagement today (Viv and Ian for those keeping track at home)…wow.
– Man work was fucked up and tomorrow I have to go deal with some new stuff.
– Faries are easily the most fun team in Blood Bowl. Throw! Team! Mate! rocks.
– The Firkin is an interesting pub, the staff certainly are.
– Sometimes I just want to go home to Dublin.

I downloaded and watched the Smallville season 3 premiere mainly because I could and I was bored. It wasn’t half bad at all. One of it’s main strengths is the cast. All of them are superb. I think it’s gonna make it onto the download list this year.

The rest of the day was quiet. I spent most of it playing Blood Bowl with the lads from the V and having lots of fun. There is now a discussion of long distance relationships going on. It’s um interesting isn’t the word but it’s pretty smart in the V’s own style.

Much of the rest of the day was spent not thinking about things…so all is as it should have been. I read Ultimate Spider-Man volume 3 this morning and it was the usual Bendis goodness. The current David Mack run on Daredevil is his usual high standard but I want back to the hardcore DD and not the story of some lost girl. The best moments were the with ones with DD on the roof, lovely artwork too. The first Fables special; The Last Castle was also excellent and cements it’s place as one of my favourite series at the moment.

For some reason I’ve been browsing some sites this evening all of which belong in the past. It’s not a good and I know it’s something I’ve been doing more of late. Isn’t it amazing how you never know what you have until it’s gone?

It’s late and I have to go to work in the morning (yay) so I’d best leave it at that.

I downloaded and watched the Smallville season 3 premiere mainly because I could and I was bored. It wasn’t half bad at all. One of it’s main strengths is the cast. All of them are superb. I think it’s gonna make it onto the download list this year.

The rest of the day was quiet. I spent most of it playing Blood Bowl with the lads from the V and having lots of fun.

We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand

It’s been a quiet enough day. Headed out for a few bits and pieces. Picked up a copy of The Commitments on DVD for an entire £4.99. Just finished watching it and it’s allright, certainly glad I didn’t pay full price for it but I enjoyed it well enough.

Some reading going on, just a few comics. I’ve been meaning to reread some Bester stuff recently and talking to a friend this evening reminded me of that. I’ll dig one of them out later. Comics wise Wildcats Version 3.0 remains one of the best titles on the market.

So I guess I have the incentive to sort stuff out now, if I’m going to move every fucking thing I own I may aswell get some sort of order going on too. Still worried about all of this, very worried in fact. I’m sure it’s like everything else, it just has to be done and it will all work out but I don’t know how. Kinda like life I guess. One of the many things about it that really bothers me is that it’s going to be there until I do manage to move and it’ll be at the back or front of my mind nagging and worrying me. Just what I need, I’m never good with things like that.

There had been much talk yesterday of a group of us meeting up for a cinema trip, today no-one was actually interested enough to make a phone call. Myself included. I had intended to but then I just really wasn’t bothered.

It’s kinda cold here, I even gave some thought to putting the heat on but then dismissed it. It’s only the start of October, ha I was going to say another month till the heat can go on but guess I won’t be around here to turn the heat on.

So um yeah, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I’m sure I have no idea where the year has gone to. It feels like it’s flown by and more importantly there is nothing to show for it.

I don’t know how I can be tired, I”ve only been up for 10 hours and most of that has been time spent doing nothing! But I am. I think I’ll read something quick and then hit the sack or maybe some tv for a while.

I played the lotto tonight, figured with the 2 wins down the pub lately it was worth a try. It was of course not. Ah well. Still I got to spend some time thinking about what I would do if I won. A couple of houses anyway one in London so I could still do my job and not be bored lots and one in Dublin to be my house. It would all be so nice…and of course there would be a big comic shop.

Angel was fun, the start was excellent but it wasn’t great throughout. Some points to pick up on and run with I guess. I’m around for the long run anyway.

Gotta go out for a little while now. It’s all good.

So I guess I was more tired than I thought. Woke up and lay in bed for a while. Thought about watching CD:UK as I usually wake up around 11:30 and it can be allright. Rolled over and picked up my watch to discover it’s 3.00pm, turn on phone to confirm this as I didn’t think it could be right…it’s right.

Fine so here we go.

Tonight for the second out of three weeks I won the £25 bar tab in the Firkin. This is a good thing. We played pool and Trivial Pursuit and drank lots. This is not such a good thing.

My blog has changed me a lot. Through it or because of it I’m a much more open person than ever I was. I enjoy typing here and I think that’s a good thing, fuck it the simple fact that I enjoy it makes it a good thing.

I don’t like repeating myself which is why I often won’t mention stuff I’ve blogged about in conversation. I often go with the thought that if you actually give a fuck you already know about it because you read it here. This is just as often wrong but that’s the way it is.

Ohh I see a new book by Michael Moore is coming out early next week. Not hardback I hope, a paperback I shall gladly pick up.

Plan for the morning to sleep through it all. Then I’m going to try and have a good weekend.

Celebrate good times.

In a right shocker after being online till close to 3am the past two nights running I was late for work today because I overslept. Damn 🙁

Listening to Youth and Young Manhood by The Kings of Leon today. It’s really hitting the spot. A grower if I ever heard one and it’s just hitting the level of love. Really fucking glad I got tickets for them. The V discussed them briefly this afternoon and the consensus was mixed.

You know I’m surprised computers are not responsible for more suicides. I just lost a posting because the entire machine locked up. It was a good posting it was important to me and loosing it was never going to bring me to tears but it was closer than most other things.

To recover a little.

Timing is a funny thing. I can think of a few times off the top of my head when this would have been at the least better if not outright a good thing.
i) When I wasn’t single. Had this happened during my last relationship it would probably have been the catalyst for us actually moving in and who knows what would have happened then.
ii) When I was considering a job in Dulles about 15 months ago. I suspect this would have prompted me to take it.
iii) About three weeks ago when one of my good friends was looking to rent out his old place and another good friend was looking for a flatmate.

There always seems to be someone on the V in a living flux, guess it’s my turn. But I can think of two offhand who have moved and one even in this area, so a Dave asks the questions thread might be helpful. It’s something to do anyway.

I was talking to a friend earlier tonight, I was trying to explain something to her and I don’t think I did a very good job so I’ll just go into some of the details of were the thoughts came from. Until about 18 months ago I had a best friend. I have many good friends (more than I have previously thought – stupidly as usual) but I don’t have someone who fits that spot. There are a few contenders for sure, but the most notable ones live too far away and that’s always going to leave the gap there. The reasons I don’t have one are silly, and that’s a bad part of the tale but there are times when it’s the silly things that is all there is and you have to just go with it…or without it. It would nice to have that roll filled.

I hate computers. That was so much better written the first time around, I was happy with it, it was flowing and made sense. It wasn’t a vague paragraph written for the sake of rewriting it, it was what I was thinking and it worked. Now it doesn’t. Fuck.

Weekend plans are quiet. I need to save some money and fast so that curbs a lot of things. I need to catch up on some sleep and I need to watch some Angel. Having a new episode is a good thing…no really it is and Bit Torrent rocks hard. I had planned on watching it tonight but I did lots of blood bowling instead, it was the wrong choice.

I’m gonna need to take some time off to move and to pack and to clean and to find a place and I have no idea how that is going to work out. I’d like it all to be sorted by a certain date but I have no idea how that is gonna work out which I guess is life, I just don’t know how it is gonna work out.

Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves. I hate it, I don’t ever want to do it but I probably do it more than I would like to.

I sense the hand of the ghost of RCFC in this. That started something for me and it’s all coming from that, maybe it didn’t start but it opened something. It’s been a major force for thought and indeed for communication over the past 10 days or so and it looks likely to continue to be a force on me for a while longer.

God I need to catch up on sleep. That’s one plan for the weekend. I’ve just been talking to my dad over AIM who tells me that I need to go out and have some “social interaction with real people”, I think the irony of this line was lost on him. I have 92 nicks on my personal buddy list and 197 on my work list (I culled it recently). There is some over lapping sure and yes in fact every one of them is not necessarily a real person but well over 90% of them are. It amuses me.

Live music is the best thing in the world, there really is nothing better. Music which makes you scream it out is music at it’s best. I’ve wondered what the reaction would be on the bus or the train when the chorus comes and the urge is there to just go for it. I came home this evening, sat down in the living room and put a cd on pretty loud.

I wish I knew how to use a camera. I really would love to be able to take good photos. I wish I could actually carry my camera and take photos and do something with them. I’m just not good enough.

Fuck it, sleep time.

So um yes. It’s just started to piss rain as I sent an IM to see if anyone wanted to go for coffee. What timing.

Last night was beers after work night…and the last one for the near future. Headed around to the Firkin with a few of the lads and we played some pool and drank some beer. It was all good*

* This is not a true statement.

Anyway home and online for a while leading to some good surfing and some less good blogging. It all made sense in my head at the time but as usual the cold light of day etc etc.

I’m tempted to go into town and do some shopping tonight and hit the V DU. Then again, I really should go home and do the chat. *shurg*, will call that one at 6ish I think but town is looking very likely.

Just booked myself a ticket to go to a talk by Neil Gaiman in the middle of November. It’s nice to see some things starting to be lined up on my calendar again, it’s been a while. Very glad to see that Kings of Leon sold out in less than 24 hours, good thing I booked two tickets yesterday 🙂

While randomly looking on Last Minute for some stuff, I just booked four tickets for Iron Maiden in Earl’s Court in the middle of December. Considering we tried this before and they were sold out, I’m very happy about this 🙂

Back on the topic of Neil Gaiman, his blog is the best read I know of on the net. I was thinking about this last night and more so the fact that he answers hundreds of questions that people send in through the blog. I have a question, I’m not going to send it in but I will look through his archives to see if he has already answered it. The general question is do you know when everything just comes into place and you write and you know it’s good?

I think the answer is yes, at least I know on the rare times I hit it and it just falls.