I’m not sitting here listening to David Bowie’s Magic Dance because I like Labyrinth…really I’m not.
On a completely unrelated topic Jennifer Connelly is hot.
I’m bored tonight again. I went for a drink with the lads after work, came home to hit the chat and then went to the local for a drink. Watching all of the beautiful people in couples depressed me and so I came home.
I’m not really doing much. Hit some boards, managed to order my furniture for a Saturday delievery which is good. Then in the afternoon I am going to collect some comics and then I suspect the V drinkup in the evening.
I have been listening to the last Robbie Williams album a bit tonight. I like a couple of songs which in fact I already liked and is the reason that I’m listening to it. Feel and Come Undone are not bad at all.
I cancelled my training course for Thursday/Friday. I’m a little annoyed but work is hectic and I have to take care of that. I suspect I’ll be in over the weekend anyway, the training would just have ensured I was. It’s at the point where I am getting results on a daily basis and it feels good…if a tad stressfull. I really hate it when I don’t get what I need by the deadlines I need them by. It’s very frustrating, it also means we are going to miss some dates…oh wait we just did.
*sigh* I have a feeling which I want to get down on paper but I don’t know quite what the feeling is, there is a sense of transience here and there and perhaps moving on is a good way of phrasing it. Things have changed (contradictory moi?) or is that thoughts have changed? The latter I think.
Oh yes, the whole Michael Jackson thing (what rock have you been living under?)… two things, innocent until proven guilt and what a back catalogue. The man’s musical talent cannot be denied or forgotten. Somehow I think the music world would be very different without him.
I am so very shit at going to the post office. I *really* have to do it tomorrow, really.
I have to go and reread some Andi Watson. He has been mentioned on the V recently and just now the thread has been bumped. I think I need to read Breakfast After Noon.
I’d like a stereo and a big tv. It would be nice. I don’t really have the space for either but I’d still like ’em.