Dear Sir, I have a complaint

Well Echo and the Bunnymen wasn’t bad at all. I think I suffered by not being all that familiar with their music. I only knew 2 of the 20 odd songs they played.

Oh for those of you who may have thought that I went on about Radiohead playing Creep a little…NME’s headline for the gig review article: Radiohead play ‘Creep’ in UK for first time in two years.

Also, some notes on the Ryan Adams gig: Ryan Adams delights fans with extended London gig.

This could be a good week. Work is hectic, it’s a big big week there with some huge deadlines. Outside of work I have a couple of nights out. Tomorrow is dinner locally with the V/work people who live around here. Looking forward to it quite a bit. Wednesday night is quite a big work do and I’m looking forward to that a lot. I suspect I’ll be working hella late Thursday/Friday and perhaps in over the weekend taking what I’m sure will be a well earned break to see The Strokes on Saturday night.

Reading wise, John Connolly’s Every Dead Thing is ok, standard crime thriller with a bit of extra gore. Comics wise is the new Catwoman trade and then onto League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 2.

I need a holiday, I really do.