I hate the tube.
Is one of the most demoralising things in the world. I hate the actual journey to work now every single fucking day. It’s the one thing which I really don’t like about my new place and the reason I wanted to stay locally. Fuck it.

Ok so I did’nt get enough sleep last night and I’m grouchy. This may be related to playing Eve until around 1am last night so I could set another skill training and have it done when I get home tonight. A nice long 20 hour training process. Then add a quick one when I get home, leave one going overnight and Bob’s your uncle.

Tomorrow Return of the King in the morning and then the Kings of Leon in the evening.

So Eve is really really really really fucking cool. Got a bit of a head start in it from Dave, which I don’t feel too bad about as I led him to an abandoned ship (intentionally) of course 😉

Today I have in my hands a ticket to see The Return of the King at 8.30 am Thursday morning. Whoo whoo 🙂

Watched both U2 and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers at Slane DVDs tonight. Good stuff from both of them, really wish they had released the ones I had been at.

Um lets see other than that, I hate the tube. I really hate having to take it into work, but I hate my local bus routes more.

Actually The Strokes were really fucking excellent. Sitting here listening to them on my mac and loving the gig. Fucking great stuff. Quite happy to see British Sea Power as the support. Heard alot about them recently but not actually heard there stuff. Really good live band and I picked up their album yesterday.

Listend to Rock N’ Roll by Ryan Adams a couple of times over the weekend and it really has grown on my, good stuff. Got a ticket booked to go and see him again in Feb and I’m looking forward to it.

I picked up a cheap notice board yesterday just to have somewhere to put all my tickets. Starting to all come together. Gotta dig out a lot mroe and stick them there as and when I see a gig.

The musical eduction of the young continues.

I saw Intermission last night with Alex and John/Meryl and Trev. It was a damn good movie and had me laughing a lot.

Well then 🙂

The Strokes by the way were fucking excellent.

Oh yes about 2 this afternoon I opend my flat door to go shopping. One of the neighbours had dropped off my post on their way upstairs. Not expecting any packages at this address I was delighted to open it and first the first two hard to get a hold of Sigur Ros albums.

Oh! My! God!

I’m in love. My computer is now working and the screen is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

So this weekend
– clothes shopping
– comic book shopping
– The Strokes
– a cinema trip
– sleeping late
– reading
– more than likely going into work
– brooding

This is awesome, you should do this now.
1) go to www.google.com
2) type in the words “Miserable Failure”
3) click I feel lucky