Something strange has been happening to me the past couple of days. It does every now and again and I don’t really like it.
I’ve been having an on and off relationship with music. At times I have craved it and I’ve gone for what I’ve wanted and it’s not quite been enough. At other times I just don’t want to hear anything. Yesterday I even went to work without my discman…deliberately. It’s very strange.

Today it’s been a bit of Springsteen, disc two from the Essential collection. I was waking to the tube station after work and musing over Born in the USA. Then for a second it brought back such a clear feeling. I’m sure I have mentioned it before but Springsteen was one of the first artists I ever heard. It was the only album in my parents record collection which I would listen to. Born was of course the first track and today it took me back so clearly to sitting in the lounge beside the stereo listening to it on vinyl. It’s one of the things I love most about music, it can take you somewhere else.

Not quite back to craving music, soon I hope. This afternoon prompted by some love for Courtney Love on the V, I had to listen to a little Hole, it’s good stuff. Certainly helped some time pass.