Saturday night was party night. It was a long night and it got messy. It was Andy’s birthday and we were all out for some drinks in Clapham. So I went by Avalon first and then onto the pub. It was a good night with lots of good people out. Got home around 3am fairly un sober.
Yesterday Alex and I went to see Big Fish at a lunchtime showing. It was really good and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Did a little shopping afterwards (lots of music Dylan/Springsteen/Pixies) and some comics and then I played Eve for most of the the rest of the day. Watched some Alias alongside it and not enjoying the third season as much as I did the first and second. Will watch some more later and see.
Eve was the loss of another Thorx which annoyed me. I’m going to check out a much more long range engagement option than I’m currently dealing with. If anyone has missiles then I just seem to loose it badly.
I over slept this morning, fairly badly. It was about 10.10 when I got to work. It’s a quiet(ish) day for a change which is nice. I have some live Springsteen going and it’s helping so much.
Oh yes, having Bill Murrey win a Golden Globe for Lost in Translation is excellent news and bodes well for “Oscar Award Winning Bill Murrey”