And love is not a victory march…

I don’t count this as writing. I was asked in the pub on Saturday night if I wrote at all and I said no. Then there was a minor disagreement and this is considered writing. I guess it is, but in the context of being an inspiring writer, this ain’t writing. I’ve not tried my hand at fiction in a long time and even so whenever I did (outside of school) it was fan-fiction (shudder). Man that was a long time ago. I guess I should try again but aswell as lacking the thunderbolt of inspiration, well I can’t write 😉

Anyway Saturday night was good fun and not too debauched. It went on till about 1.30 but it was not the 2pm start planned, closer to the 6pm kick off. It was a good good night and that’s really that. The next time someone is really drunk and needs some help to get outside for water and air, it’s NOT MY TURN! Look how it worked out on Saturday night!!! *sigh* ok that’s just my excuse it’s not like I was going to talk to her anyway.

I can only describe work over the past 5 days or so as being a disaster. A litany of fuckups and I have no idea how to fix mine. Thursday night about 9pm, the problem was reported and man oh man is it fucked to hell. I managed to ignore it completely for the weekend but of course as soon as I get back in here it’s all back to haunt me. Still I got a pay increase on Friday so that was good.

I started playing Deus X: Invisible War yesterday afternoon on some strong recommendations and 6 hours later realised I was still playing it. It’s very awesome and the scope for the ways through the game is great. I am looking forward to playing some more tonight.

I go to Dublin on Thursday and believe you me, I cannot wait. Just getting off the plane in Dublin should lift some of the weight and make me feel better. I am really really looking forward to it, to just be somewhere nice for a while with nothing (much) to worry about.

A link. To a comic. Go and look at this, it’s something which cries out for me to own on paper. (via BB and the oft updated PB).

I have no idea why but I have listened to Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah seven or right times this morning. It’s just there, in my head capturing my mood a bit at the moment. Bonus points if you got this already from the post title. And it’s loud, it’s not a loud song but I feel the urge to just ramp it up and force it into each ear until it is all there is.

Reading some great comics of late. I just read Grant Morrison’s run on Animal Man which is *really* good, I’m sorry it took me so long to get into it. The last issue really pays off quite nicely. Next up, the fabled Zenith!

Eve has just become a war zone. My alliance is fighting what appears to be 5 enemies on 5 fronts. And just as I typed this, Dave swung by and we shared a nerdy moment with the rest of the team looking on funny. Right now I’m up in safe space, I’m not going to travel down to the warzone this week, I don’t know what help I would be and I don’t want to sit somewhere for the 5 days I’m away when I have no idea what the situation will be like when I log back on. I am kinda of looking forward to it tho. If I had a decent amount of cash behind me to get back on my feet after each ship loss, I would be well on for joining in the fight. III will help with that of course but really I need a cushion of 50 million.

I really like No Doubt’s cover of It’s My Life, it has been played many times recently and imagine that, it’s on now. I don’t think I know the original by Talk Talk, I’ll have to see about a download so I can check it out. Also Gwen Stefani is quite hot, it helps ya know?

Having a network at home is interesting. It leads to Alex and myself commenting at each other as we have IM conversations with the same people. It also leads to certain people saying way too much….you know who you are!

And I’ll stop myself there, I just found what I’ve been waiting for all morning in Ministry’s Animosity, it’s loud, it rocks and it’s all there is for that just the one brief second. It is all that matters and I had to force myself to type through it to get this out onto paper.

And yes, I intend to ramble for a while more before I actually post this thing.

I need to fix the first page on my site, it was never more than a placeholder but it was lost when the servers were hacked a few weeks back and typically I don’t have a backup of it. It shouldn’t take very long to do something else up in place but I just don’t really feel like it. Maybe I should actually content it up, but I really don’t have anything to put up there. I did debate about putting some sort of Eve area up mainly for my own use but it will take more time than I want to dedicated to it…like so many things

Oh I saw Free Enterprise yesterday, at last. It was fun. Shatner was great and the two lead nerds were really well acted and scarily reminiscent of many many people I know.

I just bunged this into Word and ran word count for the sake of it. Given my own personal grammar rules and the use of tags within the post, the 960 it gave is rough but not out by all that much I suspect. One day I will get all of the archives here into a proper text format and see what I can do with them.

I went to bed about 12.30 last night and I remember setting my alarm clock. I woke up to hear the dog barking this morning and did the usual trick of thinking it was way too bright and went looking for the time. It was 7.50am, I then discovered I had not in fact managed to set my alarm clock, so it was a good thing the dog woke me. Having said all that I was still 15 minutes late but I can blame that one completly on the tube as my line was very delayed, so there.

I logged into Friends Reunited for the first time in a while today, it sent me a mail telling me that someone from around my time had signed up so I went to look see. I didn’t know the person but it does strike me how few people from around my time are actually signd up to any of the things like this one.