It’s not the best Monday morning ever. I guess it’s not the worst either. Some work stuff seems to have kicked off while I was away end of last week and it’s completely ignored any of the input I had in it a while ago leaving me having to point out that it won’t work like that and here is why. It’s the latter part I hate. I’m not very good at doing it. I’ve already had an email back from someone who plainly didn’t read and understand my email in the first place. It wasn’t a very nice email either unfortunately.

Thanks to Iain for this link: TLF Poem of the Day first thing this morning. This was of course the first place I had looked for the poem above and it’s not there but still.

I don’t know about the rest of you but when I was in school we had to study Shakespeare and classic literature and poetry and I still can’t quite figure out why. In my case it was King Lear, Romeo and Juliet for Shakespeare, Sean O’Casey’s The Plough and the Stars for an Irish play and Bronte’s Wuthering Heights for classic lit. Poets included Yeats of course, Kavenagh, Dickinson and a few others. Some of these I enjoyed. I hated the actual studying of them. I’m a fast reader and I was always way ahead of the class. I still don’t get alot of the actual study. I wonder if it was suppose to train us to look for meaning in things we would read in future. I certainly didn’t instil in me a love for any of them. I should read more Shakespeare at some stage but I don’t know if I ever will. Poetry I’m not a big fan of, I know what I like but it’s rare. I do keep meaning to buy a book of Yeats but never got around to it. Someday I guess.

Bit of a side-track there I guess. I finished Absolution Gap late last night and overall I enjoyed it. It didn’t feel as much of a story as the previous books, it was really two which tied in together for the last third of the book. I *loved* the Epilogue. Set years and years down the line, it tells the end of the war in two and a half pages and it tells it well. Each of the books tell a small, sometimes major story in the war against the Inhibitors but by no means does it tell the story of the war. There is so much scope outside the books which is covered so well in so few pages. Anyway enjoyed it.

When I was coming back from Dublin I was fairly tight on money. I wasn’t sure how much I had left to get me through to the end of the month and I had not got that many Euro on me. But I was in the bookshop and there was a book on the shelf which just looked so fascinating I had to buy it. Two Sides of the Moon by David Scott and Alexei Leonov. Leonov was the first man to walk in space and Scott commanded numerous missions, he also became the seventh man to walk on the moon. It’s as fascinating as it looks. I may have to sit down and actually put some reading time into it.

I didn’t have the best weekend in Eve ever. Flying a Frigate straight into a smartbombing Megathron at MWD speed was not the best idea in the world. I did recognise this and try and turn but I was moving too fast. I had just completed a trip to Empire too so I was carrying skill packs on the way back. Lost these of course. Still it was fun. Some minor PVP action for an hour. We had the numbers on our side and were hitting hard and hitting well but after about a minute the agressor realised that we were Xetic and held fire. Shame! However it looks like that while I slept my Alliance has gone to war. Another Alliance tried to send a ship through our space despite this being prohibited under terms of our NAP and so after several warnings, they were met with force and destroyed. This seems to have escalated and CA have declared war on us. From the sounds of it, the first few small battles have been won by us. Seems we had enough people online to defend and to show our teeth by invading. Guess what I’ll be doing tonight!