I’ve just had the urge to start typing. So I’ve stuck on Iron Maiden’s Live After Death opened up blogger and I’m going to pound out some thoughts. Going for a list but with more information per point than usual.
– Eve is offline for the evening. A big upgrade going on. I’m pretty close to leaving it. I’m now having any fun within my corp and I’m not sure I want to go the effort of looking for a new one and joining up and starting over. Still, I have paid for this month so it will be end of, if I do decide to leave.
– I’m still way up in the air on what I should be doing. I’ve been strongly encouraged by a number of people to go for both jobs. I finished off my CV this evening and I’m fairly happy with it. It covers nicely the last 5 years of my life while skimming over the previous 19. I’ll decide in the morning I guess. Have to get a couple of people to look over my CV first too.
– Drugs. Been meaning to talk about these for a few days. It was quite a druggy weekend. Nothing major for me, I smoke a few times a year but that’s about it. Did a whole lot of that on Friday night, so much in fact that it made me throw up and loose my voice for the next morning. Not a good idea. Anyway there was a hell of a lot more harder stuff going around and a lot of it being used. I’ve kinda lost my point or at the least it’s not very clear in my mind.
– Finished off Two Sides of the Moon by David Scott and Alexei Leonov, didn’t take it away with me so it took much longer than it should have. Excellent, excellent book. Loved the hell out of it and it’s left me wanting a whole lot more. Need a new book to read now, more than likely going to start off on The DaVinci Code which everyone raves about, but may go for something more highbrow.
– Chatting to Andy on the train going down Friday afternoon and he commented that the best ending to the weekend would be to get home on Monday to find Glastonbury tickets waiting. Of course when I got home on Monday afternoon, not only was my Glastonbury ticket waiting but my Fleadh ticket too.
– I am unsure that I am registered to vote in the elections tomorrow. I have had leaflets addressed to me here but I have not had a polling card. I really should have given them a ring and asked if I was ok to go ahead tomorrow. I guess I’ll just find out where it is and go anyway. I’m organised…as ever.
– I’ve gone and bought a whole fuckload of music since the weekend. Gah, talk about splurge buying. 10 new cds in my hands already and another 3 on order. Still some good stuff in there and alot of them were really cheap. Yay for £4.99 cds!
– Oh yes, I love the friendlock option on LiveJournal. It’s a nice little feature. I’ve locked a couple of things recently (not cross-posted here either) as I didn’t want some of the work stuff to be that public and it’s worked out nicely.
– I can get upwards of 1mb every two seconds in work. I really really want that at home. I would not have to download anything, I could watch or play things in real time. Now that would be awesome. Working on an upgrade for home but it’s taking lots and lots of time.
– Pinhole cameras suck. I guess I saw Venus cross the sun but it was pretty sucky.
– The air conditioning in the office is bust at the moment. It’s made the last couple of days not fun at all. There are some portable coolers but they seem to give off more heat than cold air.
– The Hope of the States album is a real grower. I’ve just switched over to it now. They were excellent live last year the couple of times I saw them as support and I’ve been looking forward to this album. There is some real anger behind this, it’s harsh and hits out from the very start. This is growing on me even more as I listen to it.
– I really need to tidy this table. Everything gets dropped by the computer. Stacks of books, cds, dvds the shit I have in my pockets when I get home and it all adds up. I did manage to do the washing this evening as planned. This coming weekend really needs to be a cleaner.
– I am more and more thinking that I should write something. I have an artist who is a) pretty good and b) happy to try anything I want to write for him. I have no confidence at all in my writing and even less in my mad beautiful ideas. However I do, of course have a Batman story in me. Perhaps something for CS 2. *shrug*
– God, some people are so full of themselves. It really really bothers me at times. I’m sat here, reading a single line and it’s just bollocks. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.
– Oh yes. I was chatting to a friend over email today aboutargumentss with friends. She had a couple and patched them up over the weekend. Don’t know much of the details, I certainly hope they were never big enough to cause the end of a friendship…but lets say you do have anargumentst that does cause the end of a friendship (and a good one at that). It’s not all that easy to extend an olive branch is it? Especially when it’s likely to be coming out of no-where. I’ve thought about it a couple of times but then I go and get bothered by something like what I just read and I don’t want to walk back into that. *sigh*
– Pretty much touched on everything which has been running through my mind tonight. I’m stressed and a feeling a little down. I’m really hoping for good things in work but I’m of course going to spend the next few weeks worrying about them. Just what I wanted of course.
– I’ve been thinking about a holiday recently. Festivals are going to be my big ones for the year I think. Lawrence and I are going to do Leeds and more than likely V too. Bring it to 4 festivals in 3 months, going to cost a bomb. Hoping to do something late in the year. Can always do a cheap holiday back in Dublin but it never really feels like a holiday. I’ll have about 12 days left to take after the festivals, take 2 away for a long weekend in Dublin at some stage and I have two weeks. France is looking good, I am of course SHIT and cannot afford to book the French course I wanted to do and I don’t know how that is going to impact on other plans. I guess I’ll just have to find out.
– Bike is going to happen. Will have to be after Glastonbury when I get paid. I don’t want to max out my credit card now to pick it up. Guess I should have not bothered with the cds… Anyway looks like I can get a decent one for about 110. That’s just about within my budget until payday, I really want to stay on the in credit side this month so I’ll give it another week and see. Not really something I want to order over the net anyway, need to go somewhere and look at em.
– And that’s a couple of hours of thoughts in a few(ish) chunks.