Today is going to be a big U2 day. I picked up Uncut’s special on them a couple of months ago and only got around to starting it last night. Not sure I agree completely with their 20 greatest U2 songs but it’s well written and an interesting read. I don’t have Boy with me in work unfortunately so I’ve got to make do with Achtung Baby. It’s a truly astounding album. Every single track on it is single worthy. It’s not a few singles and then some album songs, it’s just single after single after single.

I realised this morning why I’m so short on cash this month. Between buying tickets for people and lending some friends money, I’m close on £150 down. Could really do with getting some of that back as pay day is looking to be a long time away. Tho it will be nice to have a quiet month. This weekend was good. The aforementioned drinks on Saturday wasn’t bad at all, a couple of rounds wasn’t going to break the bank and it was good company.

Eve and City of Heroes provide more entertainment than anything else could for such a small amount of money a month. I spend less than £20 a month between them and I’ll easily get 3 nights entertainment from them and a good bit over the weekend. Each one is less than the price of a cinema trip. That’s not bad going.

[info]awatson has just this minute put up the best song every for today on the V. Given that the rule is you vote for the song, I had to be NIN’s Heresy but man not voting for Louis Armstrong in anything is painful. I tend to forget about him when anyone asks about my musical tastes but for We Have All The Time in The World and What a Wonderful World he gets a free pass to anything. It’s not often that a single person gets to sing two of the greatest songs of all time. My deep love for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service stems mainly from the book but using We Have All The Time… at the end just tops it off.

I am considering doing something for Commercial Suicide II. Alex was encouraging me on Saturday to try something. Seen as I do live with her to run stuff past her (read: have her edit into a readable shape) I may well think about something.

Comic stuff, I’ve not really read very much recently. Here is some of what I have.
First trade of Ennis et al War Stories. Big fan of these, have all the singles somewhere. I’ll pick up the trade for myself at some point. The fourth Mark Waid Fantastic Four trade was ok, nothing special.Swamp Thing: Bad Seed, I have no idea why I bought this to issue 6. I didn’t really enjoy the series and the artwork is pretty poor throughout.

Now going down the V route, 3 notable comics read this week. [info]mostlyblack’s Closer which was fun with decent art throughout, going to really pretty in places. Variance Press’ Anthology – Volume 1 was a good read. A little hit and miss. 3 main highlights, Alex’s piece with art from Paul Ridgon, [info]kgillen’s final (?) Hit and the last piece Faith: DragonSlayer by the stupidly talented Sam Hart. And oh, of course. I’m the proud owner of an autographed copy of X-Men Unlimited #4 (no not that one, the good one!). with [info]Marvel creator; Lee “Budgie” Barnett was kind enough to grace us with his presence for a drink last week and stayed to sign comics for well wishers.

Oh that reminds me. Justice League Unlimited just pulled off the first good Alan Moore adaption. I was disappointed not to see Jason Todd in there, would love them to have left the “Think clean thoughts chum” line in but the rest of it was perfect. That was one hell of an angry Superman, “Burn”. Liked the ending where you can hear the sounds of carnage in the background. All in all, well done. Approved by Mr Moore too from what I hear of it.

It’s rather disturbing that traces of Prozac can be found in drinking water. There are so many people taking it, it’s building up. Both of these facts are a bit disturbing. What does it say about the state of the country when so many people are taking anti-depressants? Story at the Beeb.

Firefox just updated, only a point increase but getting close to the big 1.0. What’s more impressive is the network. The update is 4.84 mb, I got it in 2 seconds. TWO FUCKING SECONDS. That’s close on 2.5mb per second. I want this at home, man I so want this at home.

Doom 3 actually made me jump yesterday. Bastard. It’s really really pretty and it so plays up the atmosphere. The duct tape mod is essential (and a damn smart solution, funny too)

That’s it for now. Going out to lunch.